
Our Computing curriculum provides a rich sequenced foundation in Computing from Early Years Foundation Stage to Year 6 and beyond.  We aim to develop and embed substantive knowledge and computational skills, including core development of vocabulary within the three strands of the Computing Curriculum:  


  • Computing (programming and understanding how digital systems work)
  • Information Technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information)
  • Digital Literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully).  


The three strands are taught through weekly computing lessons, where vocabulary, progress built on prior knowledge and skills are further developed, through inclusive and supportive learning.  Through this approach we aim to give our pupils the life-skills that will enable them to use computational thinking and creativity.


Computing is utilised in other areas of the curriculum where children use their computing skills to create content in subjects such as Mathematics, English, History, Geography, Science, RE and Design and Technology. We also support the children to fine tune their research and data gathering and Online Safety is paramount in all lessons so that children are equipped with knowledge and understanding on how to stay safe and report any concerns. 


Purple Mash Scheme of Work

From September 2023 onwards teachers will use the ‘Purple Mash’ Computing scheme of work as a starting point for planning computing lessons, linking activities wherever possible to other subjects and topics. The Purple Mash scheme of work ensures a balanced coverage of computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Rich experiences of all three strands are covered in each year group, but the subject knowledge imparted becomes increasingly specific and in depth, with more complex skills being taught, thus ensuring that learning is built upon. For example, children in Key Stage 1 learn what algorithms are, which leads them to the design stage of programming in Key Stage 2, where they design, write and debug programs, explaining the thinking behind their algorithms.

Children will be assessed using the Purple Mash assessment tool which assesses each learner against National Curriculum objectives. The tool enables staff to accurately identify attainment of pupils through the detailed exemplification it has for each key learning intention. The outcome of these assessments will be used to judge a child’s attainment at the end of a unit and at the end of the year as well as informing next steps and future planning.

Computing: British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and cultural development (SMCS)

British Values – Pupils will consider the different ways technology can be used and develop an understanding that there are positive and negative uses. They also begin to consider the consequences and impact of this. They will explore how technology enables us to express our views positively, whilst also developing tolerance and respect for the opinions and viewpoints of others. Technology will enable them to broaden their horizons and develop a better understanding of the diverse world they live in.

SMSC – Pupils will be encouraged to ask meaningful questions to extend their understanding about how technology works and the world they live within; to use and apply their learning purposefully and creatively; reflect on the impact of technology in the wider world, and how technology can be used to explore beliefs and new experiences. Pupils will explore different concepts of right and wrong when using technology and how to use technology safely, respectfully and lawfully. Pupils will use technology to effectively communicate and collaborate with others, whilst appreciating the diverse views of others.

Click to Download Essential Knowledge [pdf 239KB] Click to Download
Click to Download Computing Progression of Skills [pdf 577KB] Click to Download
Click to Download Online Safety Progression of Skilss [pdf 247KB] Click to Download