Parent Consultation Sprng 2021
18th June 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
Relationships and Health Education
Thank you to all the parents and carers who took part in the consultation in the spring term regarding the new statutory curriculum subject, Relationship and Health Education (RHE). The results were discussed at a full governing body meeting in May, at which governors approved the school’s new RHE Policy and the use of the Life to the Full programme to deliver RHE starting this term. The consultation results and the policy can be accessed here.
As you may recall from my letter prior to the consultation, Life to the Full has been approved by Westminster diocese and is based on the model Catholic Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum developed by the Catholic Education Service. It provides a range of creative resources that will engage, inform and inspire our children and, we hope, you as parents.
We will start the main programme in September 2021, teaching the modules over a two year cycle with lessons taught across one term. Due to the spiral nature of the programme, mixed year groups will be taught separately. We will of course provide more detailed information prior to the first module being taught.
However, with advice from Ten Ten, we are going to start our Life to the Full journey this term with classes being taught Module 2 from their respective Key Stage entitled ‘Created to Love Others’.
The Parent Information Booklet which can be accessed here provides an overview of the structure and content of the programme and you can find more detailed information about the programme and individual modules by visiting the online parent platform. To access the online parent platform please click here or visit:
Username: st-mary-angel-w2
Password: palace-gardens
Consultation Outcomes: Key Decisions
Following the online consultations with parents/carers and governors and discussion with staff, the school’s decisions on the four key decisions highlighted in the consultations are as follows:
Key Decision 1: Genitalia
Genitalia is not named in Early Years Foundation Stage, private parts are merely referred to as ‘privates’. However, we will introduce names of genitalia to Years 1 and 2. The case for introducing teaching about genitalia at this age is two-fold. The first is that this is the stage at which we talk to children about the differences between boys and girls. Here, it is important not to uphold negative gender stereotypes and, in fact, the nonphysical differences between boys and girls at this age are small and difficult to define. By linking gender to biological sex, it helps children to understand the difference, equality and complementarity of boys and girls. The second is a safeguarding issue. The argument goes that if young children are better able to confidently articulate about private body parts, they are better equipped to identify experiences of feeling uncomfortable if any form of abuse takes place.
Key Decision 2: Puberty
In Module 2 of Lower Key Stage One, we have provided two sessions on puberty and changing bodies. We have decided to use these sessions with our Year 4 pupils as NHS guidance states that the average age for girls to begin puberty is 11, while for boys the average age is 12. But it's different for everyone. It's completely normal for puberty to begin at any point from the ages of 8 to 14. The process can take up to 4 years.
Key Decision 3: Talking About Sex
The third key area for consideration during the consultation was about whether to include a session in Upper Key Stage 2 which answers the question: ‘Where do babies come from?’ Following feedback from parents, staff and governors, we have decided not to teach this unity to our Upper Key Stage 2 pupils as it is not part of the statutory curriculum; however, we have opted to give parents/carers access to the resources so that they can lead at home if they so wish. Omitting this session does not impact on the rest of the programme.
Key Decision 4: Talking About Pornography
One of the sessions in Upper Key Stage 2 addresses the risks that children face from seeing pornographic images and videos online. While this is very much a lesson about ‘internet safety’ and therefore falls under the statutory Health Education curriculum we consider that this falls under the non-statutory Sex Education curriculum and so have decided not to teach this session.
Finally, while Relationships Education is now compulsory in primary schools, Sex Education is not compulsory and will not be taught at St. Mary of the Angels. We will, however, continue to teach the compulsory elements of the existing science curriculum. As our RHE programme does not include sex education, parents do not have the right to withdraw their child from RHE lessons. Further information from the Department for Education regarding Relationships and Sex Education including answers to some frequently asked questions can be can be accessed here.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Wilson
Headteacher/RHE Co-ordinator