Homepage Archive 2019

Safer Internet Day 2019: Tuesday 5th February 

Our Year 6 Digital Leaders started our preparations for Safer Internet Day (SID) with a special assembly for our Key Stage 2 pupils and staff on Monday 4th February. This year's theme in the UK is 'Our Internet, our choice - Understanding consent in a digital world'. Well done Dieudonne, Kai, Mia, Essey, Jada, Jeremiah and Jonathan. 

Mrs Claridge and two of our Digital Leaders led the assembly for Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils on Safer Internet Day. The story of Zap and Zoom helped the pupils to think about making good choices when online so we can look after ourselves and other people.

Thank you to all the parents who attended the Safer Internet Workshop with Mrs WIlson and Miss Wakley on the day. 

For more information visit www.saferinternetday.org.uk or go the Online Safety section of the school website which can be found in the Parental Information section. 


Westminster Children's University Graduation: Friday 15th February 2019

Message from the Headteacher

St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School joined Westminster Children's University in October 2018 and I have been amazed by the range of extracurricular activities our pupils enjoy taking part in. Congratulations to all 134 pupils who graduated at the wonderful ceremony held at Westminster University. The staff and I are very proud of your achievements and your conduct and behaviour during the ceremony was exemplary. 

Mrs Wilson


On Thursday 28th February, 9 of our Year 5 & 6 pupils represented our school at the Westminster Schools annual swimming gala at the Queen Mother Sport’s Centre.  The squad swam well individually and in teams with our boys bringing home the gold medal in the freestyle relay and bronze in the medley relay. Marcel and Giacomo won individual gold medals in backstroke and front crawl respectively with Gabriel taking the  silver in the in backstroke and Jeremiah the bronze in butterfly. Congratulations to them and the rest of the squad.

Congratulations too to our Year 6 boys football squad for reaching the final of the boys football tournament last term, losing narrowly on penalties to St. Joseph’s. A special well done to Hugo for being the top goal scorer in the tournament. 










World Book Day 2019: Vocabulary Parade

Mrs Hough’s request to dress as a word for our first ever Vocabulary Parade on World Book Day did not phase us one bit. Rather, it fired up our imaginations. The school was a riot of colourful costumes and varied vocabulary on the day and the ’Story in a Jar’ creations are amazing. The judges, led by head judge Mrs Claridge, had a difficult task selecting winners from each class but they rose to the challenge. The winners and runners up were announced at assembly on Friday 15th March. Well done to the following winners:

Foundation Stage: Nursery - Emmanuelle. Class Q - Chloe

Key Stage 1: Class P - Ava, Class G - Julia P, Class F - Elletra

Lower Key Stage 2: Class JD - Justin , Class JI - Aaron, Class JN - Tommy

Upper Key Stage 2: Class JJ - Edrich, Class JK - Liya, Class JL - Andrew

The prize for the winners is to order a book of thier choice to keep from the Scholastic website. 

The 'Story in a Jar' winners will be announced next week.

Class P's Assembly

Class P's assembly fell on May 10th 2019, the 79th anniversay of the day Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britain for the first time in 1940. Class P think that raising morale at a time when the country needed it the most made Mr Churchill a great leader. They also learnt that young Winston faced lots of challenges at school which he overcame which showed great resilience. As well as having leadership qualities, Class P also shared that in order to succeed you need to have a dream. The pupils proudly shared their own dreams and identified people in their own lives who they think are good leaders. Class P closed their assembly by retelling the events of the Last Supper when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples (John 13: 1-7). In doing so, we were reminded that Jesus, our Servant King, is the best leader we must strive to follow in all we think, do and say. Please click on the link below to find out more about the aspirations of our Year 1 pupils in Class P.

Click to Download Our Dreams by Class P [pdf 2MB] Click to Download
Click to Download Our Dreams by Class P [pptm 53MB] Click to Download
Look Out Centre in
Hyde Park

On Friday 29th March Class F went to the Look Out Centre in Hyde Park. When we got there we learnt about the life-cycle of a butterfly. We learnt that there are different stages, called the egg, larva, pupa and adult. Next, we went to the pond to look for creatures that live in the pond. After that, we went on a nature trail and we had to answer some questions. The answers were hidden along the trail. Then we went back inside to do some painting. We got to do finger painting and painted a the life cycle of a butterfly. Finally, we had lunch then went back to school. It was a great trip and we learnt so much. Thank you to the teachers and parents that came on the trip with us.

By Meron, Kelly-Mae and Abrielle

Digital Blues

The Education Department at the Chelsea FC Foundation visited JI and JN on May 2nd 2019 as part of the 'Digital Blues' programme that aims to stimulate children’s interest and awareness of STEM (science, technology, engineering, science and maths) through exciting and challenging activities. The children really enjoyed using coding to move the 'Geo Balls' around the mini football pitch. 'It was fun and challenging and I'd like to do it again' - Anastasia; 'The Geo Balls were little robots and we had to programme them with the tablet' - Senay.


Easter Bonnet Parade


Foundation Stage pupils had a wonderful afternoon on Thursday 4th April showcasing their amazing and creative Easter Bonnets in front of their families and classmates in our Easter Bonnet Parade. Well done to all for taking part and to the wonderful audience that always make this event so special.  Everyone was a winner but a special well done to the winners from Nursery and Class Q. What a joyous way to share your creative talent! 

Anyone for Tennis?

On Tuesday 24th September 2019 twenty female pupils from St Mary of the Angels School were invited to take part in the ‘She Rallies’ programme which is delivered in partnership with Judy Murray, tennis coach and mother of former Number 1 British tennis player and Wimbledon Champion Andy Murray. The event took place at the Westway Sports Centre and Judy Murray was there on the day so we were delighted that our school was the ony school invited to take part in this very special event.  The aim of the programme is to develop more opportunities for women and girls in tennis. For more information, click on the link below.

Click to Download 'She Rallies' at Westway Sports 24th September 2019 [pdf 442KB] Click to Download
Class F's Trip on the Floating Classroom

On Tuesday 15th October 2019 Class F were lucky enough to be Pirates for the day on the Floatiing Classroom. We  journeyed from Paddington Basin all the way to Camden and enjoyed exploring our local area, identfying materials used in the enviroment on the way. We also got to make our own pirate treasure chests and hats and promised that we will never litter, and always do our best to recycle.

Remembrance Day 2019

Class JJ started our Remembrance Day commemorations with a beautiful and very moving assembly on Friday 8th November. The pupils reminded us that the 11th November, or the the nearest Sunday to it, is a very special day when we remember and pray for the souls of all those who have fought in wars to ensure our country’s  freedom.  We do not just remember those who died in World War I and Word War II but those who have died in conflicts all around the world.  Class JJ's assembly was followed by a special assembly for our Key Stage 2 pupils on Monday 11th after which the whole school joined the nation in a 2 minute silence. The staff are incredibly proud of the reverence shown by the pupils from Nursery up to Year 6. Our class prayer tables continue to be a focus for our prayers for the fallen and all the dearly departed who we espcecailly pray for during the month of November. 


Year 5 Residential: Sayers Croft 18 - 22 November 2019

Sayers Croft is a beautiful site, owned and run by Westminster City Council,  which has over 50 acres of woodlands, meadows, ponds and fields. It has been providing quality outdoor experiences for young people for over 70 years. St. Mary of the Angels has been taking our Year 5 pupils to Sayers Croft for the last 15 years and we are pleased to say that so far this week the weather has been chilly but bright and dry so the staff and pupils can enjoy all the wonderful activities on offer. For more information about Sayers Croft please click here or visit https://www.sayers-croft.org.uk/home 

Of course, the trip wouldn't be possible without the dedication of our staff who give up their time with family and friends to look after the pupils. A big thank you therefore to Miss Wakley, Mr Mittner, Mrs Zakhary and Miss Stephenson. 

After School Clubs

We have a few places available in our Key Stage 1 Art Club (Wednesdays) and Football Club (Mondays) and our Zumba Club (Tuesdays Years 2 - 5). Please contact the school office to book a place.