Homepage Archive 2020

Writing Showcase: Thursday 6th February 2020

Thank you to all who came along to our Writing Showcase. Our budding writers of all ages were inspired by the magical worlds they found hidden 'Behind the Door' of the nurture room in the Key Stage 1 playground.


Safer Internet Day 2020

Safer Internet Day 2020 is being celebrated around the world on Tuesday 11th February 2020The global theme is ‘together for a better internet’ and this year in the UK we are putting the focus on how young people explore and express their identity online. Everyone has their part to play in making the internet a better place.  During the week beginning the 10th February we will be sharing the Safer Interent Day message through age appropriate assesmblies and lessons. Parents and carers from all year groups are invited to our Digital Leaders assembly for our Key Stage 2 pupils on Tuesday 11th February at 9am. 

A range of resources to support parents and carers in helping keeping their children safe online are available by visiting the Online Safety page which can be found in the Parental Information tab and by clicking on the document below which contains links to a number of useful websites.

Click to Download Resources for parents and carers February 2020 [docx 11KB] Click to Download

Tuesday 12th May 2020 is International Nurses Day 

International Nurses Day is a special occasion that happens annually where we can thank nursing staff globally for all their essential work. 2020 is also the International year of the Nurse and the Midwife. 

The 12th May also marks the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. Florence was a nurse who saved many soldiers lives during the Crimean War. She became known as the 'Lady with the Lamp' as she carried a lamp to check on her patients during the night. She is remembered for making changes to improve the care of patients and showing others what an important  profession nursing is. To find out more, please visit our Home Learning pages. 

St. Mary of the Angels Self-Portrait Artist of the Year Competition

Winners Announced!!

Thank you so much to everyone who sent entries in for our first ever school wide art competition. Our judges were

Our judges were: Mrs Magda (LSA - Class JJ), Mrs Waine (SENCo) and Mrs Hafalla (School Governor). 

Our judges found it very hard, but we are delighted to announce our winners! Please see the attachment below to see the winning entrants from each class. 

Each winner will each receive a £10 book voucher in the post! 


Click to Download SMA Self-Portrait Winners [pdf 145KB] Click to Download

Maths Week!

Exciting news!

St Mary of the Angels will be taking part in a London Maths competition, against lots of other primary schools in London. The competition will take place from 22nd June-26th June. Every child in Years 1-6 can take part and there are lots of prizes to be won!

This week, your class teacher will be calling you with your log-in details - have a piece of paper and a pencil ready to write them down! Then, you must go to the Sum Dog website 
https://www.sumdog.com/user/sign_in and enter your log-in details. Each pupil will need to log in and answer some maths questions every day next week to win prizes!

The prizes are:

  • The overall 1st place class will receive a Maths Week London trophy. Each pupil in the winning class will receive an app store voucher, either for Android or iOS.
  • 2nd and 3rd place classes will receive medals.
  • The top 3 pupils across London will receive medals and app store vouchers.

Click on the letter below for more details - good luck!!

Click to Download Maths Competition [pdf 242KB] Click to Download
Poetry Workshop & Lord Mayor of Westminster's Visit: Friday 20th November 2020

Pupils in Herons class had an amazing day on Friday 20th November with two special visitors coming to see them, the first of which was the celebrated poet Coral Rumble. Coral, the winner of the Caterpillar Poetry Prize in 2018 for her wonderful poem 'Mustafa's Jumper' led the pupils in a day long poetry workshop during which she likened poets to comedians as they have a similar purpose - to entertain and perform! The pupils were encouraged to use similes and personification to create their very own poems and there were plenty of opportunities throughout the day for them to perform their original work. 

As if this wasn’t wonderful enough, the Lord Mayor of Westminster, Jonathan Glanz, paid a visit to our school to find out more about Coral's work with pupils in the borough as part of the Look North More Often project.

Click to Download To read more, please click here [pdf 691KB] Click to Download
Pupils perform at the Trafalgar Square Tree Lighting Ceremony: Thursday 3rd December 2020

The Poetry Society premiered a new poem 'The Christmas Pine' by Julia Donaldson, at the recent Christmas tree lighting ceremony to welcome the iconic Norwegian Christmas tree to Trafalgar. Square  Three of our Year 6 pupils had the great honour of performing the poem following their participation in a recent poetry workshop lin school led by poet Coral Rumble.. You can find out more about the workshop in the section below.

The  tree lighting ceremony was a virtual one this year for the first time ever and premiered online on Thursday 3rd December. The Lord Mayor of Westminster invited all to gather online to enjoy the ceremony. Now more than ever, it is important to come together – even if that means doing so virtually! You can now visit the Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree and read the poem ‘The Christmas Pine’ on the banner until January 6th 2021. 

To view the ceremony and enjoy the premiere of  'The Christmas Pine' beautifully performed by Reinfrancis, Poppy and Fabio please go to https://youtu.be/jLTVSJoV87k

To view the animated version of the poem please click on the following link:



Click to Download To read more, please click here [pdf 651KB] Click to Download
Season of Advent 2020

Advent is an important part of the Christian calendar. It means 'coming' and it's the period before Christmas, which celebrates the birth of Jesus. The Advent Season is all about reflecting on how we can prepare our hearts and homes for Christ’s birth in the world as it is today.  It is a time for faith communities and families to remember, through prayer, reflections and good deeds what the true meaning of Jesus’ birth is.

There are many different traditions associated with the four weeks of Advent. Here at St Mary of the Angels we have been very busy reflecting and thinking about others. We packed over 650 Vinnie Packs for the homeless, donated winter coats and fleeces for the Calling London Winter Coat Campaign and most recently donated and gathered food and toiletries for the North Paddington Foodbank. Thank you to everyone for all your generosity and kindness.

Seeing as we are almost half way through the season of Advent, we would like to share with you some of our beautiful class prayer tables which reflects this special time of solace and remembrance as we await the birth of Jesus.

Christmas 2020

Earlier this week, we had a very special visitor at St Mary of the Angels…Santa came to school!

Santa arrived early in the morning and visited the Ducklings and Robins and then came back after lunch to meet with the rest of the school. There he heard some lovely Christmas songs and was asked lots of questions! Luckily all the children seemed to be on the nice list so they can expect a visit on Christmas Eve. Each class teacher was given a sack of presents but Santa gave them strict instructions that the presents MUST spend 72hours in quarantine and will be handed out on the last day of school.

A special thanks to our wonderful catering team who provided all the children with a delightful Christmas lunch on this special day. After lunch, the children were also treated to a virtual pantomime, 'Sleeping Beauty'!

Finally, thanks to all the staff who helped out on the day, it was wonderful to see all the children enjoying the Christmas festivities with their friends in their bubbles. A great day all round!