Catholic Life and Mission of St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School
The following statement is taken from our school's Instrument of Governance:
St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School was founded by and is part of the Catholic Church. The School is to be conducted as a Catholic School in accordance with Canon Law and the teachings of the Catholic Church, and in accordance with the Trust Deed of the Diocese of Westminster and in particular:
- religious education is to be in accordance with the teachings, doctrines, discipline and general and particular norms of the Catholic Church;
- religious worship is to be in accordance with the rites, practices, discipline and liturgical norms of the Catholic Church;
and at all times the School is to serve as a witness to the Catholic faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please click on the 'Prayer and Worship' and 'Religious Education' links to find out more about how we strive to serve as witnesses to our Catholic faith.
Class Assemblies 2024-2025
The children and staff are delighted to invite parents and carers to join us in prayer, worship and celecration at our forthcoming class assemblies.
The dates of which are as follows:
Swans |
Friday 18th October 9:10am |
Goldfinches |
Thursday 14th November 9:10am |
Swallows |
Friday 22nd November 9:10am |
Kingfishers |
Friday 31st January 9:10am |
Robins |
Friday 14th February 9:10am |
Herons |
Friday 28th February 9:10am |
Swifts |
Friday 28th March 9:10am |
Goldfinches |
Wednesday 2nd April 9:10am (Palm Sunday Assembly) |
Swans |
Thursday 3rd April 9:10am (Holy Thursday Assembly) |
Kingfishers |
Friday 9th May 9:10am |
Swallows |
Friday 23rd May 9:10am |
Herons |
Friday 13th June 9:10am |
Robins |
Friday 20th June 9:10am |
Swifts |
Friday 27th June 9:10am |
Ducklings |
Friday 11th July 9:10am |
Year 6 Production | TBC |
Prayer Services 2024-2025
The children and staff are delighted to invite parents and carers to join us in prayer and worship at our forthcoming Prayers Services the dates of which are as follows:
Swifts |
Friday 8th November 3pm |
Swans |
Friday 24th January 3pm |
Swallows |
Friday 7th March 3pm |
Robins |
Friday 21st March 3pm |
Herons |
Friday 28th March 3pm |
Ducklings |
Thursday 8th May 9:10am |
Goldfinches |
Friday 6th June 3pm |
Kingfishers |
Friday 27th June 3pm |
Advent & Christmas Dates 2024
Preparing our hearts and minds to celebrate the Good News of Jesus’ birth is such an important part of our school and liturgical year. We very much look forward to bringing our school together during the season of Advent as follows:
Friday 29th November | Christmas Movie Night |
Wednesday 4th December | Advent Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral (Year 6) |
Thursday 5th December | Key Stage 2 Carol Service 2:00pm @ St Mary of the Angles Church |
Monday 9th December | The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Mass 11am (whole school Mass) |
Wednesday 11th December |
Foundation Stage Nativity 9:30am (parents/carers) |
Thursday 12th December | Christmas Jumper Day/ Christmas Lunch for the Children |
Tuesday 17th December | Key Stage 1 Christmas Nativity 2:30pm (parents/carers) |
Wednesday 18th December | Special Visitor to the School |
Thursday 19th December | End of term 2/ School closed at 1:30pm for Christmas Holidays |
Monday 6th January | School Closed-Inset day |
Tuesday 7th January | School opens: Start of Term 3 |
Class Saint: Goldfinches-St Francis of Assisi
The Goldfinches enjoyed learning about our Class Saint - St Francis of Assisi last week and celebrated his feast day on the 4th of October by creating a beautiful display and researching all about his life and ministry. Saint Francis is one of the world’s most popular saints, known for his love and care for creation, solidarity with the poor, and pursuit of peace. Saint Francis is the patron saint of animals and the environment because he showed love and care for both. It is said that he could talk to animals - we think we'd like this ability! St Francis gave up his worldly possessions to take on the life of poverty and encouraged others to follow God. Click here to learn more interesting facts about St Francis of Assisi.
Mrs Connery (Class Teacher)
Class Saint: Robins- St Thérèse of Lisieux
In Robins, we celebrated our Class Saint on 1st October as was St Thérèse of Lisieux’s feast day. We enjoyed learning about her life, her quotes and what she is celebrated for. St Thérèse of Lisieux is a patron of mission. As a child St Thérèse dreamed of being a missionary. With age she understood that very few of us are called to make big and radical gestures, but that through small, loving actions we too can deliver God’s love to the world. St Thérèse of Lisieux is also known as the little flower as she loved flowers and saw herself as the ‘little flower of Jesus’. Therefore, we made kindness roses to give to the people we love and care about. The children shared who they wanted to give their special flower to and why. Click here to learn more interesting facts about St Therese of Lisieux.
Miss O Brien (Class Teacher)
Goldfinches Assembly: Friday 24th May
Thank you to the pupils and staff in Goldfinches (Year 1) who invited their parent/carers to gather and join them in prayer and thanks at their class assembly this morning. The assembly was based on Friendship and all gathered were reminded of the qualities required of a good friend which they illustrated beautifully by sharing their recipe for friendship. The children reminded us of Jesus’ commandment, ‘To Love One Another as I have Loved You’ and that we are all blessed to be made by God and that we should do all we can to be a blessing for other. Thank you Goldfinches, for a beautiful assembly filled with scripture, wise words, song and prayer. The special bond of friendship you all share is a joy to witness!
Message from Fr. Keith: May the Month of Mary
May is a special month when we think about Our Lady and her unique role in our salvation. God could have saved us in any way he wanted, but he chose to become one of us human beings by being born of a human mother. That means that Mary is specially close to Jesus, who also gave her to us as our Mother when he was dying on the Cross. We can pray to her when we are happy, to thank her for looking after us, and when we are sad or don’t know what to do. She is a very wise mother who has all sorts of tricks up her sleeve if only we go to her with complete trust!
Caritas Ambassador Festival: Tuesday 21st May
On Tuesday 21st May, our Caritas Ambassadors travelled to Westminster Cathedral to take part in the Caritas Ambassadors Festival. It was a wonderful opportunity for our pupils to share our Caritas journey with other Westminster schools and be inspired by their social action projects. Our Ambassadors were honoured to meet Bishop Paul McAleenan, the Bishop for Caritas, who led a celebration liturgy during which we were delighted to receive a certificate in recognition and celebration of all our Ambassadors’ learning and social action projects to date.
Our Caritas Ambassadors continue to reflect on social issues in our local community and what we can do to as a school community to make a difference. We have decided to support the elderly in our community and look forward to informing you about our up-in coming social action project for the summer term.
Photography © 2024 Paul Hampartsoumian
Telephone: 07973 540004 @paulhiphop
Pentecost Sunday: 19th May 2024
Message from Fr. Keith
This is a very exciting time of year for us in the Church, as we prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, which we celebrate this year on May 19. It’s even more exciting for us in St. Mary of the Angels this year because thirty of our young people will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit two days before the Feast of Pentecost in the Sacrament of Confirmation. When the Holy Spirit came on the twelve Apostles the first Pentecost, he filled them with courage and joy in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus’ Resurrection openly and boldly even in the face of persecution which at times was extreme. When he comes upon our young people in the Sacrament of Confirmation, we pray that they will receive the same joy and courage in living and proclaiming the teaching of Jesus. But remember! – we already have the Holy Spirit through our baptism and the presence of the risen Jesus in Holy Communion, so let us ask him to help us live our faith joyfully even when we have to face troubles of all kinds.
Kestrels Prayer Service: Pentecost- Friday 17th May
On Friday 17th May Kestrels (Year 3 & 4) held their prayer service for parents and family. The children shone as they lead us in prayer and worship based on their current topic 'Pentecost'. They children reminded us that the gift of the Holy Spirit is within us, helping us to follow Jesus and share His peace and forgiveness with the world. Parents and family joined in the final hymn of 'Seek Ye First' which was wonderful to hear. Thank you for a lovely service Kestrels.
Robins Prayer Service: Friday 10th May
Thank you to Robins class for their lovely prayer service this afternoon during which they reminded us that the Holy Spirit is the helper that Jesus promised His disciples and that the Holy Spirit helps us too. It was lovely to hear their own personal good news, which they happily shared, and their passionate rendition of ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ was a joy to witness. Thank you Robins!
The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord: Thursday 9th May
On Thursday 9th May, we were delighted that children and staff from Reception to Year 6 were able to attend Mass to celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, a feast of great importance within the Catholic Church. The Ascension takes place 40 days after Easter Sunday and commemorates the day on which the resurrected Jesus leaves his disciples in Galilee to join God the Father in heaven. Before He did so, Jesus shared with his disciples his final instruction – known as the Great Commission – to go out and deliver the message of God’s love and mercy with everyone, everywhere. This is the mission all Christ’s followers continue to share. Please see the message below from Fr. Keith.
Ducklings Prayer Service: Friday 3rd May
Ducklings parents and carers joined us on Friday 3 rd May for a beautiful prayer service dedicated to Our Lady. The nursery children led us in prayer and song as they reminded all gathered that May is the month of Mary when we especially ask for Mary's prayers and intercession. Thank you Ducklings for leading us in worship and for reminding us to give thanks for our own mothers and/or special female figures in our lives. There was a special treat for the whole school later the same day when Ducklings sang the Hail Mary at our certificate assembly. Well done Ducklings!
Kingfishers Assembly: Friday 26 th April
Thank you to the pupils and staff in the Kingfisher Class who invited their parent/carers to gather and join them in prayer and thanks at their class assembly today. The assembly was inspired by Earth Day and it reminded all of us gathered of the wonders of our world and the need for us to play our part in respecting this world that we call home. The children reminded us of scripture from Genesis 1 and the Creation Story. Thank you, Ms Martin and Kingfishers, for a beautiful assembly.
St. George, Martyr, Patron of England: Whole School Mass
On Tuesday 23rd April, we were delighted that children and staff from Reception to 6 were able to attend Mass to celebrate the memorial of St. George, Martyr, Patron of England. Please see the message below from Fr. Keith.
Message from Fr. Keith
This week we had the great joy of celebrating the Feast of St. George with our school community. St. George is, of course, the patron saint of England, and also of several other countries, even though he himself probably lived in what is now Israel / Palestine. Everyone knows the story of him fighting the dragon, even if they only know it from the many pub signs on which it figures! Actually, we know very little about his life, except that he was a soldier and was martyred about 300 years after Christ. Catholics often ask the saints to pray for us, and what we ask them to pray for depends on what they were famous for, so we can ask St. George to help us fight bravely in the struggle between good and evil and not to be afraid to give everything for Jesus. We can also ask him to pray for our country always to defend the weak from those who oppress them.
Year 6 Swans Prayer Service: Friday 19th April
On Friday 19th April the Year 6 Swans class held their prayer service for parents and family. The children shone as they lead us in prayer and worship based on our current topic 'Pentecost'. They shared how the fruits of the Holy Spirit can be lived out in their own lives, and reflected on a special person in their family who shows this in everyday life. Parents and family joined in the final hymn of 'Shine Jesus Shine'. Thank you for a lovely service Year 6.
Lent is a movable feast, occurring between February and April. The 40 days of Lent, echo Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. Ash Wednesday is often seen as a time to clean the soul and mind ready for Lent. Purple is used throughout Lent as a sign of sorrow and also of royalty for the death of Christ the King.
During Lent, Christians devote more time to prayer, charity, and sacrifice as they prepare for the greatest feast in the Church year, Easter – when Jesus rose from the dead.
As Lent is a time of giving, we ask that you donate what you can to this great cause. Each family will receive one box per family and we ask that all boxes are returned to the school office after the Easter Holidays on Monday 15th April. This wonderful charity helps vulnerable children and their families all over the Westminster Diocese. If you would like to know more about our chose Lenten Appeal for 2024, then please click here.
The second charity that the children have chosen to support is, The Great Daffodil Appeal.
On Friday 22nd March pupils and staff may wear something yellow along with their school uniform in return for a small donation to show their support for the Great Daffodil Appeal 2024. More information to follow
Book Drive for Children’s Book Project
All of next week, our school council in partnership with Miss Hampshire from QPR are encouraging the pupils at St Mary of the Angels to donate any pre-loved children’s books to the Children’s Book Project. Please donate your old and pre-loved books to the collection point at the front office of the school. We will be taking donations all of next week from Monday 18th until Friday 22nd. All books must be in good condition.
Message from Fr. Keith
We are now looking forward to the most important week in the Church’s calendar, Holy Week, which this year begins on Sunday 24 March. We are reviving the pre-COVID tradition of starting our Palm Sunday morning Mass at the school, followed by a procession to the Church. And you may be interested to know that this year the clocks go forward one hour on Easter Sunday itself, that is 31 March. We have to begin the Easter Vigil the day before when it is already dark, so that means we can begin earlier this year at 7.30pm. The other main services are Holy Thursday, 28 March at 8pm, when following the example of Jesus at the Last Supper, Fr. Keith will wash the feet of twelve parishioners, and Good Friday, 29 March, when we do not have Mass but instead a solemn service at 3pm. We also have Stations of the Cross for children and families at 11am on Good Friday. We look forward to seeing you at some or all of our Holy Week services!
St Patrick’s Day
When is St Patrick’s Day?
Sunday 17th March 2024
What is St Patrick’s Day?
St Patrick is one of the world’s most popular saints, with celebrations on his feast of 17th March, taking place in over 200 countries. The day gives our schools the opportunity to find out about his life as a great missionary who introduced Christianity to Ireland. Pupils can learn about how St Patrick fulfilled his mission to love God and serve others, and how by following his example, our pupils can share the love and message of Jesus too.
The story of St Patrick-click here
Goldfinches Assembly: Friday 15th March 2024
It was a delight to welcome the family members who gathered together with the whole school in the hall to be both entertained and informed by the Goldfinches with their wonderful assembly all about St Patrick’s Day which is celebrated annually on the 17th March. Thank you, Goldfinches for the wonderful singing, storytelling and of course showing us how to do an Irish jig!
Go raibh míle maith agat (thank you in Irish).
Message from Fr. Keith: Ash Wednesday Mass
This Year Ash Wednesday occurred on the same day as Valentine's Day: a happy coincidence! Perhaps a reminder that love isn't easy but always includes self-sacrifice. As it is such an important day, the beginning of the Season of Lent, but fell during half-term, we invited the school to celebrate an Ash Wednesday Mass on Thursday 22 March.
After Mass, we encouaged all pupils' to write and reflect on their Lenten Promise.
Year of Prayer 2024
In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer. The Holy Father has asked that 2024 be year of prayer, as a preparatory year for the Jubilee with a special focus on - The Our Father.
The Pope has asked everyone to pray for Christian unity and for peace throughout the world. During this year, as well as praying for unity and peace, each class will learn more about the Our Father that Jesus taught his disciples and pray it often as a class or as a whole school.
It would be a lovely opportunity for families to come together and pray it at home. The Lord’s Prayer offers us a great opportunity to go back to the basics of prayer.
The Lord's Prayer
Join us as we pray the ‘Our Father’ using a diverse cross-section of the world’s languages. You can select the language you want to hear the Lord’s Prayer prayed in using the playlist below.
The Lord's Prayer |
Kingfishers Assembly: Friday 9th February 2024
In a very moving assembly, Kingfishers reminded all gathered of the true meaning and message of Valentine’s Day. We were reminded of simple everyday ways in which we can show love towards one another. Thank you Kingfishers for your beautiful singing, prayers and the wonderful poetry and the heartfelt message shared today. We were all truly moved by your performance.
Whole School Mass: The Presentation of the Lord
Message from Fr. Keith
Friday February 2nd marked the end of the Christmas season, with the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, when we finally take down the Christmas Crib, and turn our thoughts to the next event in the liturgy, Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent, which is only a few days away this year.
The Mass on February 2nd with our school community was a very joyful occasion, beginning in a blaze of light as we carry candles into Church to point to Jesus as the light of the world. But remember, he told us that we also have to be the light of the world as we live in close communion with him, so let's allow the light of our faith and kindly actions to those in need shine forth in a dark world.
Fr. Keith
We look forward joining parishioners on Thursday 22nd February at St. Mary of the Angels Church at 11am to celebrate a special Ash Wednesday service. Parents and carers are most welcome to join us.
Ash Wedneday falls on the 14th February this year, during our half term break.
Racial Justice Sunday: 28th January
Racial Justice Sunday (RJS) theme this year is ‘Seeing one another in the life of the Church’. The Image and Likeness of God resources spoke of recognising one another as children of God regardless of our race. Click here for more information. The spotlight this year is on the saints of every race and culture who reveal Christ to us.
St. Francis of Assisi (Year 1, Goldfinches)
Class Saints
Last term, each class were introduced to their Class Saints who have been chosen to reflect our diverse school community and we hope learning about and getting to know their Saint will encourage the children to see themselves in the life of the Church.
St. Josephine Bakhita (Year 5, Herons)
Herons Assembly: Friday 26th January
In a very moving assembly, Herons reminded all gathered today about life during World War II. We were reminded of and gave thanks for the sacrifice made by those who died during the Second World War and prayed for peace in our world. Thank you Herons for a very poignant assembly which we will remember for years to come.
Kestrels Asembly: Friday 19th January
Thank you to the pupils and staff in Kestrels who invited their parents and carers to gather and join them in prayer and thanks at their class assembly on Friday 19th January. The theme of their assembly was reflecting on the year just past and looking forward to the year ahead. They reminded all gathered of the importance of setting goals and aspirations and kindly shared some of their New Years’ resolutions. The very wise Year 3 and 4 pupils in Kestrels class concluded their assembly by giving thanks God our Father for creating the world and for giving us His son Jesus to be the light of the world. Thank you Kestrels!
Whole School Mass: Friday 12th January
We were delighted that children and staff from Reception to 6 were able to attend a Mass On Friday 12th January for the feast of the Epiphany, celebrated especially for the school by Mgr. Keith Barltrop in our parish church.
As a school we recognise that it is important to mark the feast of the Epiphany, which was celebrated during the Christmas holidays (6th January), and to spend some time reflecting on the Christmas season before moving too quickly from Advent. The Christmas season is such an important one in the Christian calendar, so it is essential that our pupils understand it and that it is a focus for prayer and liturgy. One way to extend the idea of Christmas is to keep the school crib up until the Presentation of the Lord.
We look forward joining parishioners on Friday 2nd February at St. Mary of the Angels Church at 11am to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas Day.
Parents and carers are most welcome to join us.
Winter Coat Campaign
Thank you again, to everyone who donated a winter coat, fleece or jacket to the Calling London Coat Campaign. Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated.
Caritas Advent Giving Calendar
Inspired by Pope Francis, we asked our families to take part in our ‘Caritas Advent Giving Calendar’ project this Advent. Each class was assigned an item that the foodbank required from our ‘Caritas Advent Giving Calendar.’ We invited the children to bring in their donations on the date assigned to their class.
Thank you also to our wonderful, Caritas Ambassadors who gave up their time to deliver some of the goods donated to Westbourne Park Pantry. Whilst at the pantry the children got a tour of how the pantry operates and were able to asks the organisers and volunteers questions about the day-to-day running’s of the pantry.
Christmas Jumper Day: St. John's Hospice
Special message from St.John's Hospice:
I wanted to send a message to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you from St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School for your support of St John’s Hospice. Your recent Christmas jumper fundraiser raised a fantastic £214.50! This brings your grand total to £618.84 since 2021. We are so grateful for your continued care and kindness.
Your donation will help us to expand our community outreach, in turn helping to combat loneliness and isolation experienced by people living with life-limiting illnesses and their carers.
Thank you once again for supporting St John's Hospice!
Sophie Gray
Senior Fundraising & Volunteer Manager
KS2 Carol Service: Wednesday 6th December 2023
We were treated to the divine singing of our KS2 children this week, as we celebrated this special time of Advent with our Carol Service, held in St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Church. This year, we had the pleasure of hearing our newly formed choir perform several songs, lead by our singing teacher Ms. Murphy. Each class sang their carols beautifully, bringing joy and hope to the congregation. Well done also to the readers and actors, who told the Nativity story in a spectacular way. Thank you to parents and family who joined us for this special event.
Advent Carol Service Westminster Cathedral: Wednesday 29th November 2023
Our Year 6 joined over a thousand children from schools across our diocese at the annual Advent Carol Service at Westminster Cathderal on Wednesday 29th December. It is a long standing tradition in our school that Year 6 attend this event in their final year at St. Mary of the Angels. Another tradition is the presence of a real life donkey who was joined this year by a goat!
The readings, drama and carols beautifully retold the events leading up to and following the birth of Jesus and it was wonderful to share the experience with so many other schools. The sound of the collective voices of so many children singing traditional carols was a joy to behold.
During the service, donations were collected for the Catholic Children’s Society which is one of the charities our team of Mini Vinnies choose to support each year during Advent and Lent. You can find out more about the charity's work by clicking here. Bishop John Sherringham asked us all to continue to pray for all those who are vulnerable and in need. Thank you Year 6 for representing our school so well.
Carols of Comfort and Joy at Westminster Cathedral: Saturday 25th November 2023
Our Chamber Choir were delighted to accept the invitation to sing at the Carols of Comfort and Joy at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 25th November. The concert brought together all the primary schools involved in the Westminster Schools Singing Programme this year and it was lovely that so many family members were able to come along to the Cathedral to enjoy the performance. Our chour will be singing three of their carols at our fothcoming Key Stage 2 Carol Service on Wednesday 6th December. Thank you to Miss Murphy, our choir leader, and all the choir members who sang on the day.
Caritas Advent Giving Calendar 2023
Inspired by Pope Francis, we are asking families to take part in our ‘Caritas Advent Giving Calendar’ project this Advent. The Caritas Food Collective are a project working to tackle food poverty in the Diocese of Westminster. Each class has been assigned an item that the foodbank requires from our ‘Advent Giving Calendar.’ We invite the children to bring in their donations on the date assigned to their class. Each item will then be put together and donated to Westbourne Park Pantry.
For more information, please click the document below.
Advent Giving Calendar 2023 | [pdf 297KB] |
Advent & Christmas Dates 2023
Preparing our hearts and minds to celebrate the Good News of Jesus’ birth is such an important part of our school and liturgical year. We very much look forward to bringing our school together during the season of Advent as follows:
Wednesday 29th November | Advent Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral (Year 6/ Pupil Chaplaincy Team) |
Wednesday 6th December | Key Stage 2 Carol Service 2:00pm @ St Mary of the Angles Church |
Thursday 7th December | Christmas Jumper Day |
Friday 8th December |
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Mass 11am (whole school Mass) Christmas Movie Night |
Tuesday 12th December | Foundation Stage Nativity 9:30am (parents/carers) |
Wednesday 13th December | Christmas Lunch for Children (own clothes day) |
Tuesday 19th December | Key Stage 1 Christmas Nativity 2:30pm (parents/carers) |
Wednesday 20th December | Special Visitor to the School |
Thursday 21st December | End of term 2/ School closed at 1:30pm for Christmas Holidays |
Monday 8th January | School Closed-Inset day |
Tuesday 9th January | School opens: Start of Term 3 |
Hummingbirds Assembly: Bucket Fillers!
Thank you to the pupils and staff in the Hummingbirds Class who invited their parent/carers to gather and join them in prayer and thanks at their class assembly on Thursday. The assembly was based on World Kindness Day linked to Anti-Bullying Week. The children in class have been reading ‘Have you Filled a Bucket Today?’ and have been exploring ways in which they can be bucket fillers! The children reminded us of scripture from Matthew 7:13: Do for others as you would want them to do for you. Thank you, Ms McNab and Hummingbirds, for a beautiful assembly.
Goldfinches Prayer Service: 17th November 2023
Thank you to the pupils and staff in Goldfinches who invited their parent/carers to gather and join them in prayer at their prayer service on Friday 17th October which was based on World Day of the Poor. We were reminded of the scripture, ‘Be generous and willing to share.’ 1Timothy 6:18. The children sang beautifully and reminded us all of how they will let their little light shine, inspiring us all to do the same as we prepare our heart as we grow closer to the season of Advent.
Prayer Service 17 11 23 | [pdf 2MB] |
Swallows Assembly: Friday 10th November - Remembrance Day
In a very moving and informative assembly, Swallows reminded all gathered today of the importance and solemnity of Remembrance Day which falls on November 11th each year. We were reminded of and gave thanks for the sacrifice made by those who died during the First and Second World Wars and prayed for peace in our world. It was very poignant to hear the children share the prayer they had written as a class which shows the depth of their understanding and empathy for all who suffer. Thank you Swallows class for a very special assembly which we will remember for years to come.
Mini Vinnies 2023-2024 – ‘Turning Concern into Action’
This year, the Mini Vinnies team have decided to ask for donations of winter coats and fleeces for the Calling London Winter Coat Campaign and we are delighted to say that we are working once again with Chestertons, Notting Hill, to support this charity.
You have until Monday 20th November to drop off your donations of coats, fleeces and jackets to the front office.
What winter clothing items are needed?
- Coats of all styles
- Jackets
- Gilets
- Fleeces
All coats and winter jackets in good condition are welcome for children or adults.
Calling London Poster - St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School | [pdf 1MB] |
Feast of All Saints: Wednesday 1st November 2023
Wedbesday 1st November was the Feast of All Saints and we were delighted that children and staff in Years 1 to 6 were able to attend a Mass celebrated by Mgr. Keith Barltrop in our parish church. Mgr. Keith Barltrop reminded all gathered that All Saints' Day is a Christian solemnity, or dignified remembrance, that celebrates the honour of all church saints, whether known or unknown. He reminded all gathered that we are all called to be saints, that is, by being receptive to God’s holiness and grace.
We now look forward joining parishioners to celebrate Mass for The Solemnity Immaculate Conception on Friday 8th December at St. Mary of the Angels Church @11am. Parents and carers are most welcome to join us.
Swans Assembly: Friday 20th October 2023 - Awe and Wonder STEM
Swans space-themed assembly was a perfect blend of entertainment and education. Year 6 taught us about the earth, planets and history of space exploration, wowing us with their learning and knowledge and inviting us to join in the beautiful prayer shared here to your right.
Thank you Ms Hulands and Swans for such an informative assembly!
Robins Assembly: Friday 13th October - God knows Us and Loves Us
Thank you to the pupils and staff in Robins Class who invited their parent/carers to gather and join them in prayer and thanks at their class assembly on Friday 13th October. The assembly was based on the Robins current RE topic which is exploring and celebrating ourselves. In the assembly the children celebrated their similarities and differences and shared with us their gifts and talents. The children reminded us of scripture from Isaiah 43 1:2 God says: You are precious to me. I know you.I love you.I know your name.
Thank you Ms Cox and Robins for a beautiful assembly.
Kingfishers Prayer Service: Friday 6th October 2023 - Caring for Creation
Thank you to the pupils and staff in Kingfishers Class who invited their parent/carers to gather and join them in prayer at their prayer service on Friday 6th October. We were reminded of the wonder of God’s creation as we listened to a reading from the book of Genesis which was accompanied by some beautiful art work and singing. The children also shared with us how they were going to answer the call to be stewards of creation, inspiring us to do likewise. Thank you Miss Miller, Mrs Lane, Kingfishers and Beatriz, a member of our Pupil Chaplaincy Team who assisted with the music.
Macmillan Coffee Morning: Thursday 28th September
On Thursday 28th September, our school community came together to host our first ever Macmillan Coffee Morning. Staff, parents/carers and our Chaplaincy Team joined together to raise an amazing £220 for Macmillan Cancer Support. As always, thank you for your generosity and support; your donation of cakes made sure that the time spent together over a cup of tea/coffee was enjoyed by all.
We look forward to holding the event again next year.
The Feast of the Archangels: Friday 29th September 2023
Friday 29th September was the Feast of the Archangels and we were delighted that children and staff in Years 1 to 6 were able to attend a Mass celebrated especially for the school by Mgr. Jim Overton in our parish church. The attentiveness and reverence the children showed in Mass is a credit to their parents and the school. We now look forward to joining parishioners to celebrate Mass for the Feast of All Saints on Wednesday 1st November which is a Holy Day of obligation for Catholics.
Stations of the Cross: Lent 2023
The Stations of the Cross is a form of prayer used traditionally in Lent. Each of the 14 Stations retells part of Jesus’ Passion (his suffering and death) through images and words. These Stations of the Cross introduce children to Jesus’ Passion, breaking it down into stages that they can reflect upon and remember. The Stations are more than the retelling of a story: they are a prayerful participation in the event that lies at the heart of Christianity – Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.
As part of our Lenten experience, the children were asked to create their own interactive Stations of the Cross journey. Each class took a station and were encouraged to be as creative as possible in exploring its significance in the Easter Story.
The atmosphere in the hall was one of reflection and respect, awe and wonder.
The hall was in darkness, lit by candle light with Taize music quietly playing in the background. It was beautiful to watch the children spending time reflecting and praying with their friends. This was a lovely way for us to mark the significance and sacrifice Jesus made and for the children to understand its importance.
Year of Pilgrimage: January - December 2022
A pilgrimage is often described as a holy or spiritual journey. Over the past two years, the journeys that we might normally have made, whether that be to a holiday or pilgrimage destination, have often been thwarted; but nevertheless, our spiritual journey continues. Ultimately, each of us is on a life-long pilgrimage journey to heaven. Between January - December 2022, we will be taking the children on an exciting pilgrimage journey, from the comfort of school, through special assemblies, prayer and worship and activities in class.
Every long journey starts with planning the route. In order that you and your children know where we are planning to take you on this pilgrimage journey, we have a Year of Pilgrimage Map where you can see all of our ‘stopping places’ on the journey.
yop map your journey poster a3 | [pdf 829KB] |
Lenten Appeal 2022 – One Community
This year our school is participating in the Lenten Appeal which is led by the Catholic Children’s Society, a charity which helps children and families living in poverty in the UK. Through their services they also help children overcome disadvantage, achieve their full potential and have better chances in life. As Lent is a time of giving, we ask that you donate what you can to this great cause. Each child will receive a Catholic Children's Society Lenten box. We ask that all boxes are returned to the school office no later than Wednesday 30th March.
If you would like to know more about our chosen Lenten Appeal for 2022, then please click here.
CCS-One-Community-Poster | [pdf 1MB] |
Lent 2022
The forty days of Lent are an opportunity to change our daily lives and become even closer to God. We can do a range of things to help us to be more like Jesus.
Challenge yourself this Lent by trying our Lenten Doodle!
Mini Vinnies Lent Calendar 1 | [pdf 3MB] | ||
Lent Pillars Mini Vinnies | [pdf 269KB] |