The Chaplaincy Team 2024-2025

Meet the Team

As part of their role, the chaplaincy team supports pupils across the whole school from EYFS to Year 6 in developing and deepening their faith. 

On a termly basis, the chaplaincy team will aim to lead whole school assemblies on a liturgical theme and on a half termly basis, the chaplaincy team support and lead a collective worship in the classroom using our Let Us Pray Together resources. Further to this, during significant liturgical events in the year, such as Lent and Advent, the Chaplaincy team will support pupils in developing their understanding of the importance of these by leading whole school acts of worship such as ‘The Stations of the Cross’. 

Our Chaplaincy Team-Development Day

To help our Chaplaincy Team within their newly appointed roles, each member attended a training day alongside Ms Cox and Mrs Desouza.The day provided an opportunity for pupils in our Chaplaincy team to meet with other pupil chaplaincy teams across Westminster Diocese. It consisted of times of prayer, reflection and training to ensure our pupils are ready to embark upon the journey of their new role as leaders of prayer and worship. 

Our Chaplaincy Team in Action-Prayer in the Community

Our Chaplaincy Team take part in masses at our local parishes, St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Church. During these masses, different members of the Chaplaincy Team are presented with opportunities to read, lead the offertory, altar serve or be part of the planning of the mass or to help other year groups prepare for a mass.

The Eucharist is central to our school life and this year we will continue to join our parish family and celebrate Holy Days of Obligation and Solemnities at our local church, marked by school whole school mass, welcomed and supported by our parish priest, Mgr. Keith.

 At St. Mary of the Angels we believe religious education is not limited to an RE lesson but permeates everything that we do. Major liturgical celebrations are marked in a unique St. Mary of the Angels way while still maintain the traditions of the Catholic faith.

Here is a list of masses that we will attend in 2024-2025: