Goldfinches 2021 - 2022
Welcome to our Class Page
Polling Day Homelearning: Thursday 5th May 2022
Hello Goldfinches,
Today our school is being used as a polling day for our local elections. Instead, I have planned some lessons that you can do at home either on seesaw or by useing these links on the school website. I will be checking seesaw and can't wait to see all the lovely home learning that you do at home today.
Have a terrific Thursday and I cant wait to see you all in school again tommorrow!
Miss Cox
Forest School
Despite the change in weather and cold temperatures the Goldfinches had a wonderful time this week at Forest School.
We went on the hunt for the beginning signs of springs, looking for daffodils, nests, and blossom and then we viewed some real nests made by birds.
The children also had the opportunity to see some frog spawn and real life Tadpoles. We then looked at the life cycle of a frog.
The children were able to explore and showed some excellent survival skills as when it began to snow they all found some shelter and began collecting wood and organising their shelters to be suitable for a humans. The Forest School staff were very impressed with the children's knowledge on what humans need in order to survive if they were out in the wilderness. It was very good application of our science learning so I was a very proud teacher.
We finished our time off at Forest School with a cup of warm hot chocolate which the children described as very yummy.
Tuesday 29th March 2022
On Tuesday we had a very exciting day in the Goldfinches class. We had a visit from Tim Maynard who brought Maynard's Mini Zoo with him. He really showcased these wonderful creatures and highlighted their importance in the Natural World. Goldfinches were very brave and touched a millipede, frog, tarantula, chameleon and even held a snake around their necks!
Steam Week
As part of STEAM Week , Miss O'Brien (Our school Science Lead) organised for our class to go to the Science Museum. We had an amazing time. We played, explored and had lots of fun learning.
Happy Mother's Day
The children loved making Mother Day cards for all their lovely mummy's. They were not short of ideas and inspirtation and were excited to show how much they love and adore you. I have attached a link to a song they have been practicing . We hope you have a wonderful day!
Easter Bonnet Parade: Monday 28th March 2022. Parade will begin at 2:45 in KS1 playground.
Forest School: Thursday 31st March. Children can wear PE kits and Wellies (please bring shoes to change into for when they are at school)
Last Day: The last day of term is Friday 1st April. School will finish at 1:30.
St Mary of the Angels have been celebrating STEAM week which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. This year's British Science Week theme is 'growth'. We have found examples of growth within all subjects around us, making it an excellent starting point for a celebration of SCIENCE. Continue sending in your posters based on this theme for our school competition. Your poster could explore a tadpole's journey into a fully grown adult frog or a seed's growth journey into a beautiful flower. We are looking forward to seeing your ideas!
We also visited the Science Museum, taking part in Pattern Pod. It was fantastic!
More photos to follow.
World Book Day Fun 2022
We had such a lovely day for World Book Day and I was so impressed with the children's costumes. Thank you parents and children for all the effort you put in to make this a wonderful day.
Miss cox
World Book Day 2022
World book day is Thursday 3rd March.
Children are encouraged to dress up as a character from a book.
We would love for the children to bring the book that inspired their outfit to school with them.
Paddington Library visit
We will be visitng the Library on Friday 4th March. We will be walking to there from school. We look forward to listening to a new story and choosing new books.
Goldfinches Prayer Service
Goldfinches will be hosting our prayer service on Friday 11th March.
It will be in the school hall and will start at 3:oopm.
We look forward to seeing you there if you can make it.
Monday 10th January 2022
Happy New Year ! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break and it is so good to have the children back. We have an exciting term ahead of us. I have enclosed four documents for you to view which explains more about what your child will be learning this term.
LAND AHOY! Info sheet to go with CN | [pdf 1MB] |
Life to the Full Spring Term 2022 Key Stage 1 Year A | [pdf 438KB] |
RE Spring 2022 | [pdf 618KB] |
Spring 1 - Goldfinches | [pdf 279KB] |
Forset School
On Thursday, Goldfinches had an incredible morning at Forest School starting with a treasure hunt searching for items suggested by the Forest School leaders including foliage, sticks, stones, acorns and pinecones. They then listened to the story of the Choo Choo people and the friendly dragon who accidently sneezed and burnt down their homes! The children were then tasked with building some new homes and villages for the Choo Choo people which they did using the 'treasure' they had collected earlier. Some of the children decided to build an enormous den for the friendly dragon! After all the hard work the children were treated to some delicious popcorn cooked on the campfire where the leaders taught them about fire safety. Circle time around the camp fire was filled with interesting conversations about the homes and facilities that each of the children had built for their new forest folk friends. It was truly a magical day for one and all!
Friday 21st January 2022
We have had a wonderful week! We have done a lot in our topic Lands Ahoy
In literacy we have been developing our poetry skills. We have looked at alliteration and rhyming and what they add to the poem. We then thought about how we could make the pirate poem we were learning more of our own. We decided to change the names to either our own name or someone we know.
In maths we have been recaping over our multiplication and divirion as well as our addition and subtraction.
In Geography we were learning about the points on a compass and how they can be used to give directions.
In science we are looking at what we need as humans. We had to imagine we were shipwrecked on a island and what we would need to do first in order to survive. Things such as searching for food and water and making a shelter.
Paddington Library
This week Goldfinches went to Paddington Library. We walked there from school. We we arrived we were able to explore before sitting altoghther to enjoy a wonderful story. We then got to choose our own books to take back to school with us and to enjoy beofre we return them in our next visit. We have had lots of fun looking at our books.
Thursday 16th December 2021
Gabriel's Big Break
Well done to all the children in Key stage One for their wonderful performance in this years Christmas production. You worked so hard and were outstanding!
Our Class Elf
We have had a class elf who would be up to no good most days. One day he turned all our chairs upside down, another day he put red glitter in all our books and even tried to cover up our class projector so we wouldn’t be able to see our learning on the board.
He disappeared for a few days only to return today with a surprise in our trays. Thank you to our class elf for all the fun this term. You are truly magic.
Friday 12th November
Remembrance Day
We have been learning about what the soldiers went through and how difficult it would have been for them. We decided to design our own medals for them. We wanted to include drawings and key words of all the things they have done for us to show our appreciation. The children made their own poppies to wear on Remembrance day and also created some beautiful Silhouette art.
Forest School
We had such a wonderful morning at the Forest School at Pad Rec.
The children really enjoyed learning about nature and the staff were so impressed with the children's knowledge on Minibeasts and their habitats. The children were able to explore and find things that interest them.
This week we have been reading the wonderful story "How Anansi Got His Stories".
Something very exciting happened in our classroom on Wednesday. We came into our classroom and all our books were gone. All that remained was a spider web and a note saying “I have taken your stories”. Later in the day we noticed there was a letter from Anansi the spider. It led to a special hunt where each clue led us closer to finding our books. The children had a wonderful time being detecatives and locating our class books. We then read the story and acted it out. We are looking forward to learning more about the story next week.
Mini Marathon
The children have been working hard in their PE lessons to complete the miles needed to achieve the Mini Marathon target. Your support has been greatly appreciated and the children are looking forward to recieving their medals.
Growing Together
These first couple weeks back at school we have come together as a class to look at the environment that surounds us. We have looked at the benefits of having a calm and naturalistic environment and ways we can help to maintain and support this. We have made information posters to inspire others around us to look at ways they can improve their well being and mental health by simply taking the time to enjoy parks and other green spaces as well as making sure to put thier litter in the bin.
The children have really enjoyed our topic our RE topic Families. We know that we belong to our home families but we also know that we belong to the school family as well. The Goldfinches have been encouraged to treat each other with the same love, care and support they would show to their own family. We are here for each other through triumphs and difficult times and we will continue to grow together as a team through this academic year.
Friday 17th September 2021
What a wonderful week we have in the Goldfinches. We have been working hard and doing lots of things. Our story this week was 'The Secret Sky Garden' where we taked about looking after the environment we are in and by doing so we feel so much better about things. We've also been thinking about our families and the ways we show love and kindness to each other. Please find attached the presentation that we shared in our Welcome to Year One and Year 2 meetings this week.
PE is on Wednesday and Thursday.
The children were sent home with Log in details for Seesaw and Bug club. If you have any issues logging in please do not heistate to contact me via the office and I will do what I can to support.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Cox