Robins 2021 - 2022
Welcome to our Class Page
St Mary of the Angels have been celebrating STEAM week which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. This year's British Science Week theme is 'growth'. We have found examples of growth within all subjects around us, making it an excellent starting point for a celebration of SCIENCE. Continue sending in your posters based on this theme for our school competition. Your poster could explore a tadpole's journey into a fully grown adult frog or a seed's growth journey into a beautiful flower. We are looking forward to seeing your ideas!
As we are coming into spring we have turned our mud kitchen into a gardening centre for the children to learn about planting and growing. The children have planted some bulbs and herbs such as Daffodils, Oregano and more. We will keep you updated on how our garden grows over the next few weeks!
Friday, 28th January
- Phonics worksheets
- Maths worksheets
- Blending Book 11
- 1 Library book
- 1 Digital Bug Club book?
Friday, 21st January 2022
Robins update
Robins had a fantastic visit to Paddington Children’s Library on Tuesday 18th January. The librarian read us two stories then we got to choose two books each to borrow for our classroom for the term.
Our next visit to the library is on Tuesday, 1st March. We can't wait but in the meantime we will have lots of fun reading the books we have borrowed.
If you are interested in joining the library please click here.
We have also been studying the artist Vincent Van Gogh.
Did you know:
- He only started painting at the age of 27
- He only sold one painting while he was alive
- He painted almost 900 paintings in 10 years
We hope you like some of the Sunflower masterpieces we have been creating.
Spring 1 Curriculum Newsletters
Hello Parents and carers,
As a new term is starting we would like to share with you what we will be learning this this term.
Please find attached our:
- Religion Newsletter
- Curriculum Newsletter
- Relationship and Health Education (RHE) Newsletter
- Let's Play topic overview
Many Thanks,
Miss Keane
Religion Spring 2022 | [pdf 618KB] |
Reception Spring 1 curriculum newsletter | [pdf 379KB] |
Life to the Full Spring Term 2022 Reception Year A and B | [pdf 426KB] |
Let's Play | [pdf 1MB] |
Welcome to the Robin's class page!
Check this page regularly for updates for the Robin's class.
PE Days - Tuesday and Wednesdays.
Homework - Given Friday to be completed for the following Friday.
Reading - Children will receive their first reading books on Friday, 1st October.
You will receive your Bug Club login inside your child's reading record on Friday, 1st October where you will find an online book.
They will also take home a library book and a phonics blending book.
Space Week and Poetry Day
Next week is Space Week and on Thursday it is Poetry Day.
We will be combining both of these events by learning the nursery rhyme, 'Hey Diddele, Diddle'.
Please show this video to your children so that we can learn the rhyme by Thursday.
Please watch the video to help with this weeks phonics.
Friday, 24th September 2021
Another wonderful week in Robins has gone by. This week we have started to learn the story 'Dear Zoo', we hope they have shared the story with you at home. We have also started our Phase 2 phonics, s,a,t,p. Please have a go at the phonics worksheets we have sent home today and return them to us next Friday.
I have attached the Curriculum Newletter for the Autumn term. Take a look to see all the wonderful things we will be learning together.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Keane
Friday, 17th September 2021
What a wonderful week we have had in the Robins. We have been doing some wonderful things! Our story this week was 'Owl Babies' where we talked about mummy owl and her owlets. We've also been thinking about how God has made us all in his special image. Please find attached the presentation that we shared in our Welcome to Reception meeting this week.
PE days: Tuesday and Wednesday
Bring a water bottle to school every day.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Keane