What are free school meals?
Free school meals is a government initiative which provides children with a nutritious meal during term time.
All children in reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive free school meals, this is known as universal Infant free school meals.
For children in other year groups a parent or guardian must apply in order for the school to receive additional funding.
You can receive free school meals if your child attends a school based in Westminster. You must apply to us even if Westminster is not your local authority.
How do I apply for free school meals?
Your application will be automatically checked against the Department of Education’s Eligibility Checking Service. This will be done as you complete the details in the application form and will check eligibility based on the benefits you receive:
if you are eligible, you will receive an immediate notification after completing the application form. We will then email you and the school to confirm the start date of your child’s free school meals – usually the next working day.
if the result is uncertain, you will be asked to upload further proof of your benefit(s) before completing the application form. This will be reviewed and you will receive notification within 15 working days that your application has been successful or that you are not entitled to free school meals.
if you already have an active application your child/children will remain eligible for free school until 31 March 2022.
Westminster CIty Council are unable to backdate claims for free school meals to cover unpaid dinner money, or to refund dinner money paid prior to the date of a successful application.
Apply for free school meals
Before you apply
- your child needs to attend a school in Westminster
- you need to be the parent or guardian of the child or children
- you need to have a National Insurance number or a National Asylum Support Service number
- you need to be in receipt of benefits (link to the benefits page)
- you need to provide proof of your benefits
- if your child is in reception and year 1 or 2 and already receives benefits and you meet the above criteria please apply so that your child’s school receives additional funding
- you need to create a MyWestminster account to be able to apply. This account can be created when you apply
If you have any questions about the MyWestminster account or if you are experiencing difficulty with a new application please call 0207 641 3412 or email: fsm@westminster.gov.uk
For more infomrtaion please visit Westminster City Councils website by clicking here.
Click here or on the link below to apply for free school meals