St. Mary of the Angels Parent Forum
The school's vision for the Parent Forum is that it continues to provide an opportunity for parents and carers to meet with senior school leaders and governors to celebrate what is going well in our school and share and discuss ideas for how we can improve the school even further for the children and families of St. Mary of the Angels. All parents and carers are members of the Parent Forum.
Mrs Wilson, the headteacher, is the chair of the Parent Forum and key members of staff relevant to the agenda items for each meeting will also be invited. A member of the governing body will be invited to attend each meeting.
The first meeting of the Parent Forum was held on January 14th 2016. It was agreed at the meeting that the forum would meet every half term and that a topic for discussion at the next meeting will be agreed in advance and shared with parents and carers via the school newsletter before the next meeting.
The next Parent Forum meeting will take place in May 2022 - date to be confirmed.