Online Payments: School Gateway

Make online payments to school via credit or debit card
We ask that parents and carers make all payments to the school via  School Gateway

Payments can be made online with a debit or credit card any time via the School Gateway smartphone app or website. Once registered you will be able to 

  • give online consent for school trips and activities including after school clubs
  • make payment where requested
  • pay for school lunches and view school meal balances 

We notify parents and carers of new items for payment or to seek consent by text or email.

Not used School Gateway before?
Activating your School Gateway account is quick and easy to do. All you need are your email address and the mobile number that the school holds on record for you.

Download the School Gateway app
If you have a smartphone, please download School Gateway from your app store by cicking on one of the links below:. 

      Google Play


Alternativley, please go to and click on ‘New User’. You’ll receive a text message with a PIN number. You can then use this PIN to log in to School Gateway.

Trouble logging in?

It may be because the school doesn’t have your current email and mobile phone number on record. Please contact the school office and we’ll update the details on our system.