Tr-Borough Music Hub

The school provides Music teaching in line with the national curriculum. We work in partnership with the Tri-Borough Music Hub (TBMH) and Westminster Schools Singing Programme to facilitate a full Specialist Teacher Music Programme from Nursery to Year 6. 

Our TBMH Music Teacher, Miss Dimond, teaches curriculum music lessons to Nursery to Year 4 and an African Drumming after school club.

Miss Dimond, in partnership with class teachers and our pupil chaplaincy team,  leads weekly singing worship sessions for Key Stage 2 and Foundation/Key Stage 1 where children learn and enjoy singing a range of traditional and modern hymns linked to the liturgical calendar.

Our music offer is further enhanced through opportunities for extra-curricular instrumental tuition provided by specialist teachers from the TBMH.   Miss Lorimier and Miss McCarthy teach small group tuition in cello and violin respectively.


Foundation Stage


The Rocksteady Reggae School is a classroom music resource based on the popular animation series, Rastamouse.  Sally Greaves, has adapted Andrew Kingslow’s music and devised the Rastamouse classroom programme to provide a hands-on musical experience.

The programme supports the early stages of music skill development and builds up a class ensemble incorporating sound and symbol, singing, chanting, action songs and playing instruments.

Instruments: ukuleles, egg shakers, drums and wooden spoons

 Featuring: Bandulu’s Pie, Cookin’ and Jammin’, Take It Easy.

Key Stage 1
Ukuleles Sticks & Songs 


Ukuleles sticks & songs builds up a class ensemble and incorporates singing (unision to 2/3 part), playing improvisation and performance.

The songs cover a variety of musical styles with lyrics that support music learning and understanding.  Ukulele parts include open strings and one finger chords with the option to extend to more advanced chords. Basic notation concepts are introduced, together with percussion parts, that start with simple rhythm patterns, with the scope to progress to more complex rhythms through improvisation.

Instruments: ukuleles, sticks, egg shakers.

Lower Key Stage 2
Recorders sticks & songs b


Recorders sticks & songs builds up a class ensemble and incorporates singing (unison to 4 part), playing, improvisation and performance.The songs cover a variety of musical styles that support music learning and understanding as well as linking to other areas of the National Curriculum. Recorder notes are gradually introduced (unison to 2 part). Breathing technique is developed to support both singing and playing. Notation animations support music reading skills for both percussion and recorder parts.
Instruments: recorders, sticks, egg shakers

Westminster Schools Singing Programme

We also work in partnership with the Westminster Schools Singing Programme provided by Westminster diocese. Miss Yvette Murpjy, our choir leader, teaches curriculum music lessons to Year 5 and 6 which includes music for school liturgies blended with interactive music education games and secular repertoire. Classes support the national curriculum and enhance educational attainment and progression.

Miss Murphy also leads our Chamber Choir made of selected pupils from Key Stage 2. The choir are regularly invited to sing with other school choirs at Westminster Cathedral.


Music Mark

We are very proud to be continue to be a Music Mark School. The Music Mark is awarded by the Music Subject Association in recognition of the value that St. Mary of the Angels places on music and for ensuring pupils are able to access and engage with a high-quality music education. It also recognises our dedication to offering and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum.

The Big Sing! Friday 30th June 2023

Our two week focus on music and art in June 2023 culminated in ‘The Big Sing’. Preparations for this musical extravaganza started with a workshop where teachers, supported by members of the Wigmore Hall team, were tasked with writing a chorus for our new school song which we linked to the book  ‘Change Sings’. This inspiring book by Andrea Gorman tells the story of a young girl who leads a cast of characters on a musical journey. They learn that they have the power to make changes - big or small - in the world, in their communities, and most importantly, in themselves. Each class were than tasked with writing their own original verse for the song entitled ‘Building Up!’. The whole school then gathered together on Friday 30th June to perform our new and unique school with everyone joining in the chorus and each class singing their individual verses. It was an incredible celebration of coming together, diversity and identity and a wonderful finale!


Cello and Violin Recital: Wednesday 8th December 2021

Key Stage 2 pupils and staff were treated to a wonderful performance by our talented violinists and cellists on Wednesday 8th December. Mrs Hayes and Miss Lorimier, our violin and cello teacher from the Tri-borough Music Hub, joined them as they played a range of pieces finishing with the ensemble playing 'Good King Wenceslas' which was greeted with much applause. Thank  you to Mrs Hayes and Miss Lorimier and to the 28 violists and 8 cellists for sharing your gifts and talents with us all. We look forward to anither recital in the spring term to which we hope to be abel to invite parents and carers.