Religious Education
Religious education permeates the whole curriculum and school life.
We aim to bring our children to an understanding of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ and a love and reverence for God.
St Mary of the Angels is a Roman Catholic school and for our children to grow up to be practising Catholics there must be a commitment to the faith within the school and at home.
Therefore the school looks to a partnership which will uphold and reinforce the teachings of the Catholic faith. For their part, parents are expected to accept full responsibility by continuing to take their children to Mass on Sundays on a regular basis.
The school teaches the curriculum as laid down in the Catholic Education Services Curriulum Directory through the 'Come and See' religious education programme.
Collective Worship
The school day starts and ends with a prayer and grace is said at lunchtime. Assemblies are held three times a week. This includes a class assembly to which parents are welcome. Throughout the year Mass is regularly celebrated in the school, and on other feast days in the parish church. Each class has a prayer focus area for children to turn to when they pray and parents are invited to join our year group Masses and class prayer services. Please see the calendar at the bottom of the page for a list of all class assemblies and prayer services this academic year.