Welcome to St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School
Catholic School Inspection Report 2024 'Outstanding'
The overall quality of Catholic education provided by the school was judged to be outstanding following the Catholic Schools Inspecorate's inspection of the school in June 2024.
'St Mary of the Angels is an exceptionally welcoming and joyful community. Pupils understand and fully embrace the Catholic identity and mission of the school. Pupils show a deep and consistent respect for themselves and others, and consequently behaviour around the school is exceptional, coupled with outstanding attitudes to learning. The inspiring leadership team, including governors, are a beacon of excellence, with a deep understanding of the mission they serve, both in the local community and beyond. Pupils have excellent subject knowledge in religious education and make consistently good progress, building effectively on prior learning so as to reflect spiritually and to think ethically. Pupils engage deeply and are active participants in the rich variety of opportunities for prayer and liturgy across the school.'
CSI Insepction Report June 2024 | [pdf 245KB] |
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Welcome to Year Group Meetings: September 2024
All parents and carers are warmly invited to attend our forthcoming welcome meetings where you will have the opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher who will share information about the curriculum, expectations for the year ahead and how you can continue to support your child at home. There will also be the opportunity to ask general questions.
The meetings are held in the school hall and the dates are as follows:
Welcome to Year 2 Thursday 12th September 9.00am
Welcome to Year 6/Secondary Transfer Thursday 12th September 2.30pm
Welcome to Reception Friday 13th September 9.00am
Welcome to Year 3 Monday 16th September 9.00am
Welcome to Year 5 Monday 16th September 3pm
Welcome to Year 4 Tuesday 17th September 9.00am
Welcome to Nursery Wednesday 18th September 9.00am
Welcome to Year 1 Wednesday 18th September 3pm*
*New date for the Welcome to Year 1 meeting.
Macmillan Coffee Morning - Friday 27th September
Following the success of last year’s coffee morning, we are delighted to announce that this year we will be supporting Macmillan Cancer Support and joining in with their World’s Biggest Coffee Morning. We will be hosting our second Macmillan Coffee Morning in school on Friday 27th September at 9am in the school hall, to which all parents/carers are warmly invited. Please join us for cake, coffee and a chat. It will be a fantastic chance to join together as a school community and raise money for an important cause. Please consider bringing a 'gold coin' donation to the coffee morning, or donating via the QR code we will have available on the day. In doing so, we will be joining people all over the UK hosting Coffee Mornings to raise funds for Macmillan to support people living with cancer. If you would like to help organise the event or donate a cake, please let Miss Chadwick or one of us on the gate know.
Healthy Schools Awards - Silver Award
Miss Cox and the wonderful Foundation Stage Team worked extremely hard last academic year to secure the Healthy Early Years Silver Award for the school. Healthy Early Years London (HEYL) is an awards scheme funded by the Mayor of London which supports and recognises achievements in child health, wellbeing and development in early years settings. Our school was previously awarded the Gold Award and once Gold is achieved, the cycle starts again after two years, beginning with audits of our current provision for keeping pupils healthy. Miss Cox and the Foundation Stage Team focused on Fine and Gross Motor skills and implemented daily activities to keep the pupils active whilst improving fine motor skills throughout the year. To qualify for the awards, schools have to meet specific criteria and standards, and submit extensive evidence, audits and case studies. We are so proud of our journey to silver and can’t wait to hear what exciting initiative Miss O’Brien will implement in our aim for GOLD! Well done Miss Cox, Mrs Carroll and all the staff in the Foundation Stage.
Now that it is becoming increasingly autumnal, you may be thinking about purchasing new items of winter uniform. Please ensure that you adhere to the school’s uniform policy which you can find here. In particular, we draw your attention to the requirement for children to wear dark/navy blue jackets/coats and black school shoes (black trainers on PE days). Black jackets/coats are not part of our uniform policy and should not be worn to school. Jewellery is not allowed other than stud earrings and an analogue/digital watch. Please do not send your child to school with a smart/apple watch.
Reminder: PE Days
Children in Reception to Year 6 must wear their school PE kit on their PE days (see below). Nursery children wear their usual uniform on their PE day. PE days for Autumn 1 (September – October) are as follows:
Ducklings - Thursday
Robins - Monday & Thursday
Goldfinches & Kingfishers - Monday & Wednesday
Swifts & Swallows - Wednesday & Thursday
Herons & Swans - Monday & Thursday
Farewell Year 6
We have had a number of events to celebrate and give thanks for all our Year 6 pupils have contributed to our school community. The final formal celebration was our Leavers’ Mass in the parish church on Thursday 18th July which was followed by a reception after school for the children and their families. Thank you Fr Keith for celebrating this very special Mass and to our school choir who sang so beautifully. All our Year 6 pupils had a special part to play in the Mass which was wonderful to see. Thank you also to the staff who set up and served the food and drink at the lovely gathering in school after Mass.
Throughout all the events, our Year 6 pupils have shown great maturity and camaraderie which is a sign that they are ready for the next stage of their learning. Congratulations to everyone involved and to Miss Hulands and Miss Fahss in particular for all their hard work preparing for these wonderful end of year celebrations. A special thank you to John Morcom, our music therapist, who helped Year 6 compose and record their own song which we hope will be a lasting memory of their time at St. Mary of the Angels.
Learn to Ride/Balance Bike Training: Monday 8th- Friday 12th July
It was lovely to see so many pupils from Reception to Year 2 avail of our Balance Bike/ Learn to Ride training this week. The programme is designed to help children gain confidence and promote the physical benefits of cycling as well as providing a fun and engaging activity. The programme offers children the ability to become competent cyclists at an early age through the development of balance and control. I hope all the children that participated enjoyed the sessions and learnt some new skills.
Year 5 and Year 6 Girls Football Tournament: Friday 28th June
On Friday the 28th June a group of girls from Year 5 and 6 represented our school and QPR at the Premier League kit launch football tournament at Crystal Palace training ground. We came second in the group events and made it through to knockouts where we lost out in a penalty face off. The girls played amazingly as a team and their skills were definitely noticed. What an amazing experience for them and how inspiring for all the girls at our school who love to play football!
Year 6 Drama Workshop/Stamford Bridge trip: Tuesday 25th June
Year 6 Swans Class took part in a drama workshop on Tuesday 25th June, to learn about Chelsea FC’s first Black footballer, Paul Canoville. They then attended a session at Stamford Bridge on Friday 28th June and had the opportunity to meet Paul. This was part of Westminster City Council Children’s Services ‘Black and Blue Project’, focusing on Drugs Education for Year 6 children. The government wants children to prepare for the move to secondary schools by focusing on Drugs Education through real life stories. The children had a fantastic time acting out scenarios, singing songs and receiving some inspirational advice from Paul himself. Thank you to Ms Hulands for organising.
Sikhism Week
As part of our current Religious Education topic, Sikhism, KS2 had the opportunity to visit a local Gurdwara and learn about the Sikh faith. The children were invited to attend the Khalsa Jatha British Isles Gurdwara, which is the oldest and most historical Gurdwara in Europe; it was set up in 1908.
The children were kindly given a tour of significant areas of the temple and were able to ask questions to deepen our understanding. All pupils really enjoyed the experience and were impressed with the 'Langar' which was received. Mandip, our tour guide, was extremely helpful and we are very grateful for this opportunity to make more connections with our local community. This was a wonderful chance for our pupils to celebrate and to learn about world faiths.
Summer Fair: Friday 21st June
We would like to extend a huge thank you to each and every person who contributed to the success of our Summer Fair on Friday 21st June. We rely entirely on the goodwill of staff, governors, parents and our St. Mary of the Angels School community as well as our local businesses, friends and family as without you this fantastic event simply would not happen. If this was your first time attending our Summer Fair or you’re a regular and have never missed a year, we are so grateful for your contributions towards enriching and enhancing the experience of the children at our school. We are delighted to share the final total raised at the Summer Fair is £3604. We hope you had a great day with family and friends!
Social Action Project: Friday 7th June
Thank you to all the pupils who took part in our social action project at school on Friday 7th June, in order to support the elderly in our local community.
Families and pupils from Year 3-Year 6 were asked to bring in flower donations and the support we received was overwhelming!
I’m sure you all agree, it was wonderful to see so many children from Nursery to Year 6 leave school with beautifully arranged bouquets. The Caritas Ambassadors did an amazing job at arranging the flowers and I am so truly very proud of them and their dedication.
We thank you so much for helping us with this project as without your support and donations this would not have been possible.
Hummingbirds Prayer Service: Thurdsay 6th June- Corpus Christi
The Hummingbirds reminded all gathered that on Sunday the Church celebrated the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus (Corpus Christi). The Hummingbirds explored the words and actions of Jesus in St Mark’s account of the Last Supper and what this means for us today. The children retold the story of the Last Supper, giving us the chance to remember, reflect and pray about the importance of what Jesus did that evening. Thank you to the Hummingbirds for leading us in prayer and reflection, and for sharing your beautiful artwork and for showing all gathered the Lord's Prayer in BSL (British Sign Language). It was truly a beautiful prayer service which made all gathered feel a sense of unity and communion with our school family.
Key Stage 2 Sports Day: Thursday 6th June
What a fabulous Sports Day we had last Thursday at Paddington Recreation Ground. We were blessed throughout the day with good weather and brilliant performances to match. Sports Day is one day of the school year when we come together as a community. Every year, new stars emerge and remind us of what hard work and dedication can achieve. Pupils, supporters and staff all play their part in what is one of the highlights of the school calendar.
As always, the behaviour of our Key Stage 2 pupils was exemplary and it was a joy to see them take part in the individual races and team events. The family members who came to watch were a great audience and we thank you again for your encouragement and support. The atmosphere was incredible and it was lovely to see so many parents enjoying the day’s events and the pupils as they took part in their different activities.
Message from Fr. Keith: May the Month of Mary
May is a special month when we think about Our Lady and her unique role in our salvation. God could have saved us in any way he wanted, but he chose to become one of us human beings by being born of a human mother. That means that Mary is specially close to Jesus, who also gave her to us as our Mother when he was dying on the Cross. We can pray to her when we are happy, to thank her for looking after us, and when we are sad or don’t know what to do. She is a very wise mother who has all sorts of tricks up her sleeve if only we go to her with complete trust!
Goldfinches Assembly: Friday 24th May
Thank you to the pupils and staff in Goldfinches (Year 1) who invited their parent/carers to gather and join them in prayer and thanks at their class assembly this morning. The assembly was based on Friendship and all gathered were reminded of the qualities required of a good friend which they illustrated beautifully by sharing their recipe for friendship. The children reminded us of Jesus’ commandment, ‘To Love One Another as I have Loved You’ and that we are all blessed to be made by God and that we should do all we can to be a blessing for other. Thank you Goldfinches, for a beautiful assembly filled with scripture, wise words, song and prayer. The special bond of friendship you all share is a joy to witness!
Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Sports Day: Thursday 23rd May
What a joy it was to see so many parents and other family members at our Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Sports Day at Paddington Recreation Ground yesterday. A big thank you to Miss Cox for organising and to Mr Grace, our sports coach, and his colleagues from QPR Primary Stars programme who volunteered to help out to make the day a huge success. Thank you also to our incredible staff team and to all the family members who came along to watch. Finally, well done all who took part in the ever-popular parents’ races. The children had a wonderful day and we are truly proud of how well they behaved and of their energy and successes which rightly need to be celebrated. Hence, the wonderful sound of medals clanking as they left school yesterday
Caritas Ambassador Festival: Tuesday 21st May
On Tuesday 21st May, our Caritas Ambassadors travelled to Westminster Cathedral to take part in the Caritas Ambassadors Festival. It was a wonderful opportunity for our pupils to share our Caritas journey with other Westminster schools and be inspired by their social action projects. Our Ambassadors were honoured to meet Bishop Paul McAleenan, the Bishop for Caritas, who led a celebration liturgy during which we were delighted to receive a certificate in recognition and celebration of all our Ambassadors’ learning and social action projects to date.
Our Caritas Ambassadors continue to reflect on social issues in our local community and what we can do to as a school community to make a difference. We have decided to support the elderly in our community and look forward to informing you about our up-in coming social action project for the summer term.
Photography © 2024 Paul Hampartsoumian
Telephone: 07973 540004 @paulhiphop
Foundation Stage Trip to Wigmore Hall: Wednesday 22nd May
On Wednesday 22nd May the children in Foundation Stage attended a special concert called ‘Sing a Story’ at Wigmore Hall. On arrival the children were given a special train ticket for entrance to the magical story train. They then clickty clacked through story land where they enjoyed a musical retelling of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘Little Rabbit Fo Fo’. Thank you so much Wigmore Hall for inviting us to such an interactive and immersive experience. It is a trip that the children will cherish for a long time and what a wonderful first outing for our Nursery Class.
Pentecost Sunday: 19th May 2024
Message from Fr. Keith
This is a very exciting time of year for us in the Church, as we prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, which we celebrate this year on May 19. It’s even more exciting for us in St. Mary of the Angels this year because thirty of our young people will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit two days before the Feast of Pentecost in the Sacrament of Confirmation. When the Holy Spirit came on the twelve Apostles the first Pentecost, he filled them with courage and joy in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus’ Resurrection openly and boldly even in the face of persecution which at times was extreme. When he comes upon our young people in the Sacrament of Confirmation, we pray that they will receive the same joy and courage in living and proclaiming the teaching of Jesus. But remember! – we already have the Holy Spirit through our baptism and the presence of the risen Jesus in Holy Communion, so let us ask him to help us live our faith joyfully even when we have to face troubles of all kinds.
SportInspired Team Spirit Festival: Friday 10th May
Kestrels and Swallows were invited to take part in a high-excitement, mixed ability, multi-sport festival where they sampled six different sports available locally along with a number of other schools. The aim of the day was to generate the best team spirit possible and the winners of this would receive a trophy. We are pleased to say that St Mary of the Angels were the winners of this trophy. We want to say a huge well done to the pupils in LKS2 for their team spirit and overall behaviour during the day!
The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord: Thursday 9th May
On Thursday 9th May, we were delighted that children and staff from Reception to Year 6 were able to attend Mass to celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, a feast of great importance within the Catholic Church. The Ascension takes place 40 days after Easter Sunday and commemorates the day on which the resurrected Jesus leaves his disciples in Galilee to join God the Father in heaven. Before He did so, Jesus shared with his disciples his final instruction – known as the Great Commission – to go out and deliver the message of God’s love and mercy with everyone, everywhere. This is the mission all Christ’s followers continue to share. Please see the message below from Fr. Keith.
St. George, Martyr, Patron of England: Whole School Mass
On Tuesday 23rd April, we were delighted that children and staff from Reception to 6 were able to attend Mass to celebrate the memorial of St. George, Martyr, Patron of England. Please see the message below from Fr. Keith.
Message from Fr. Keith
This week we had the great joy of celebrating the Feast of St. George with our school community. St. George is, of course, the patron saint of England, and also of several other countries, even though he himself probably lived in what is now Israel / Palestine. Everyone knows the story of him fighting the dragon, even if they only know it from the many pub signs on which it figures! Actually, we know very little about his life, except that he was a soldier and was martyred about 300 years after Christ. Catholics often ask the saints to pray for us, and what we ask them to pray for depends on what they were famous for, so we can ask St. George to help us fight bravely in the struggle between good and evil and not to be afraid to give everything for Jesus. We can also ask him to pray for our country always to defend the weak from those who oppress them.
We look forward joining parishioners on Thursday 9th April at St. Mary of the Angels Church at 11am to celebrate The Ascension of the Lord. Parents and carers are most welcome to join us.
Caritas Ambassador
We are also delighted to say that on Tuesday 23rd April, our Caritas Ambassadors were presented with their Caritas Ambassador badges by Sister Silvana Dallanegra from Caritas Westminster, in recognition of all their work relating to Catholic Social Teaching (CST). Caritas Ambassadors is a programme for both primary and secondary schools created by Caritas Westminster. It aims to equip pupils with a strong understanding of Catholic Social Teaching and how we can put it into action in our daily lives. As a group, we are thinking about social issues in our local community and what we can do to make a difference. Please keep an eye out for more exciting initiatives-coming soon!
Caritas Ambassador
On behalf of the Caritas Ambassadors, we would like to say a huge thank you to the pupils of St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School for all their fundraising efforts last term and for their very kind donations towards our chosen Lenten Appeals for 2024: Catholic Children’s Society (CCS), Marie Curie- The Great Daffodil Appeal and the Children’s Book Project. Please see the messages of thanks that the school has received due to your kindness and generosity.
We thank you so much for your fantastic fundraising efforts. Just a quick note to say that your donation of £183 has been received and processed. I have posted a letter of acknowledgement for your records and a thank you certificate to your school. Thank you again for your kind support of Marie Curie during the Great Daffodil Appeal! Thanks to the efforts of St. Mary of the Angels, more people will have access to our health care and support service.
Community Fundraiser, Marie Curie
Thank you so much to you and your lovely school for your amazing fundraising efforts. My colleague Marie collected another donation from your school today taking your lent donation to a total of £635.35! Thanks again to you, all the staff and all pupils for all your kind efforts in raising this money. We are grateful for your support, and we will ensure it reaches the children and families that need it the most. We will of course follow up with a proper letter of thanks and a certificate for your school.
Catholic Children's Society (Westminster)
Year 5 Herons trip to Lord's Cricket Ground
On Friday 19th April, Year 5 went to Lord's cricket ground for their School Engagement day. Despite the weather, the children still got to tour the grounds, engage in cricket-based activities and visit the museum. Hopefully next time they will be able to watch some cricket too!
Year 5 Herons trip to the National Army Museum
Year 5 also were treated to a visit to the National Army Museum on Monday 22nd April to take part in the Trinity College Arts Award. This consisted of; visiting the war museum and discovering the artefacts, creative writing in groups and an afternoon of painting.
Year 6 Swans Prayer Service: Friday 19th April
On Friday 19th April the Year 6 Swans class held their prayer service for parents and family. The children shone as they lead us in prayer and worship based on our current topic 'Pentecost'. They shared how the fruits of the Holy Spirit can be lived out in their own lives, and reflected on a special person in their family who shows this in everyday life. Parents and family joined in the final hymn of 'Shine Jesus Shine'. Thank you for a lovely service Year 6.
The Great Daffodil Appeal 2024
On Friday 22nd March pupils and staff were encouraged to wear something yellow along with their school uniform in return for a small donation to show their support for the Great Daffodil Appeal 2024. I’m please to inform you that collectively we raised £178 for this wonderful cause. Thank you for supporting your child in fundraising for Marie Curie and the Great Daffodil Appeal.
Catholic Children’s Society Lenten Appeal
At the beginning of Lent, each child was given a purple money box from the Catholic Children’s Society. Boxes were due to the school office by Monday 15th April, but if you have not yet returned it please do so ASAP. Thank you for your support!
Book Fair
Thank you all for visiting our Book Fair, which was held in our school hall in the week beginning 11th March. Research shows that children are five times more likely to finish a book if they have chosen it themselves. Every book bought raised funds for the school to spend on new books. We are thrilled to tell you that we raised an amazing £465.52, which we will use to buy new books for our class libraries.
Journey to the Cross
Thank you to the Herons (Year 5) who began our journey with Jesus to the Cross on Tuesday 26th March with a very special Palm Sunday Assembly. Herons retold the story of Jesus' triumphant ride into Jerusalem travelling on a donkey, which showed that He is a friend of the poor and that He came in peace. Thank you Herons for a wonderful assembly. The following day, Swans (Year 6)retold the story of The Last Supper. Through confident narration, acting and song, the children led all gathered through the events of Holy Week with great reverence. A huge thank you to our Upper Key Stage 2 pupils and staff for leading us so beautifully on our journey to the foot of the cross which concluded with the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross is a form of prayer used traditionally in Lent with each of the fourteen stations retelling part of Jesus’ Passion – His suffering and death. However, the Stations of the Cross are more than the retelling of Jesus’ Passion story: they are a prayerful participation in the event that lies at the heart of Christianity – Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. The children, as always, showed great reverence throughout this moving and solemn ceremony and we pass on our thanks to Miss Hulands, Miss O’Brien, Miss Cox, Miss Smaller and our Year 6 Pupil Chaplaincy Team (Beatrice, Justin James, Kyla and Julia) who read so beautifully and also to our wonderful school choir who lead us in worshipful song. A special thanks to Fr. Keith who joined us for our Holy Week assemblies. Thank you also to Mrs Murphy, Mrs Rastelli and Mrs Fahss who helped set up a Prayer Room for the children to go and pray the Stations of the Cross this week.
Year 3 and Year 4 Boys Football: Friday 22nd March
On Friday 22nd March ten boys from Kestrel’s and Swallows class were selected to represent the school at the Westminster’s Year 3 And 4’s Boy’s Football Competition at Paddington Rec. Mr Drury and Mrs Murphy reported that our pupils played fairly, consistently and skilfully. This was the first ever football competition for some of the team so well done!
Wigmore Hall Key Stage 1: Friday 22nd March
On Friday 22nd March, KS1 were invited to take a dive down into the deep blue sea for an aquatic musical adventure at Wigmore Hall. This underwater extravaganza was brought to life by the Lawson Piano trio, presenter Jessie Maryone Davies and the students themselves. The children sang sea shanties and were even involved in the creation of a stormy piece of music. It was an incredible, interactive experience which truly inspired a love of music and storytelling. Here are some quotes from our Year 2 Pupils:
‘I really enjoyed when we were making the thunder music.' - Chace
'I liked when we did the amazing sea shanties.' - Eliud
'I liked when we were clapping.' - Olivia-Rose
Message from Fr. Keith
We are now looking forward to the most important week in the Church’s calendar, Holy Week, which this year begins on Sunday 24 March. We are reviving the pre-COVID tradition of starting our Palm Sunday morning Mass at the school, followed by a procession to the Church. And you may be interested to know that this year the clocks go forward one hour on Easter Sunday itself, that is 31 March. We have to begin the Easter Vigil the day before when it is already dark, so that means we can begin earlier this year at 7.30pm. The other main services are Holy Thursday, 28 March at 8pm, when following the example of Jesus at the Last Supper, Fr. Keith will wash the feet of twelve parishioners, and Good Friday, 29 March, when we do not have Mass but instead a solemn service at 3pm. We also have Stations of the Cross for children and families at 11am on Good Friday. We look forward to seeing you at some or all of our Holy Week services!
Lent is a movable feast, occurring between February and April. The 40 days of Lent, echo Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. Ash Wednesday is often seen as a time to clean the soul and mind ready for Lent.
During Lent, Christians devote more time to prayer, charity, and sacrifice as they prepare for the greatest feast in the Church year, Easter – when Jesus rose from the dead.
As Lent is a time of giving, we ask that you donate what you can to this great cause. Each family will receive one box per family and we ask that all boxes are returned to the school office after the Easter Holidays on Monday 15th April. This wonderful charity helps vulnerable children and their families all over the Westminster Diocese. If you would like to know more about our chose Lenten Appeal for 2024, then please click here.
The second charity that the children have chosen to support is, The Great Daffodil Appeal.
On Friday 22nd March pupils and staff may wear something yellow along with their school uniform in return for a small donation to show their support for the Great Daffodil Appeal 2024. More information to follow
Year of Prayer 2024
In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer. The Holy Father has asked that 2024 be year of prayer, as a preparatory year for the Jubilee with a special focus on - The Our Father.
The Pope has asked everyone to pray for Christian unity and for peace throughout the world. During this year, as well as praying for unity and peace, each class will learn more about the Our Father that Jesus taught his disciples and pray it often as a class or as a whole school.
It would be a lovely opportunity for families to come together and pray it at home. The Lord’s Prayer offers us a great opportunity to go back to the basics of prayer.
International Woman’s Day Assembly: Monday 11th March
On Monday 11th March Miss Hampshire from QPR's Primary Stars Programme led us in a special whole school assembly all about International Woman’s Day, which is celebrated annually on the 8th March. Miss Hampshire spoke to our pupils about gender equality in the world of football. Together we discussed our hopes, dreams and aspirations and looked at how far women have come in football and in society. We looked at some of the amazing female football players who play for QPR and listened to their stories and celebrated their successes. Thank you to Miss Hampshire for delivering such an awe-inspiring assembly and for presenting our girls with a new football kit which our Year 3 and 4 girls wore when they competed in Westminster School Girls Football Competition at Paddington Rec. Well done team!
Online Safety Workshop
Date of workshop: Tuesday 19th March
Time: 9:00-10:00
Location: School Hall
At the workshop, you will have the chance to find out some of the services that your children might be accessing and contributing to online now and in the future, and be shown some practical ideas and website resources to help you to keep your family safe.
The workshop will be run by Mary Rebelo who is an Online Safety Ambassador for CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency) part of the Online Safety subcommittee for the safeguarding board of the London Borough of Camden, and a Parentzone Digital Parenting Facilitator.
The school would encourage as many parents as possible to attend the workshop as we know it will contain a lot of invaluable information on this important area.
Online Safety Letter to Parents | [pdf 174KB] |
World Book Day 2024
St. Mary of the Angels will celebrate World Book Day by having a Book Character Parade on Thursday 7th March. All staff and children are invited to dress up as a character from their favourite book. Remember to bring your book along for the parade!
To further encourage our love of stories and books, we will be also be running an exciting ‘Book in a Box’ competition. Children are invited to think about how a favourite book could be represented in a simple box. Please make sure that your ‘Book in a Box’ competition entries are clearly labelled with the book that is being represented, your child’s full name and year group.
All entries must be in school on the morning of Friday 8th March for judging. Winners for both the ‘Book in a Box’ and our annual book costume parade will be announced at our Key Stage Assemblies the following week
Book Fair 2024
Monday 11th: Foundation Stage (Ducklings & Robins) 3.25pm – 3.50pm
Location: Robins/ Reception classroom
Tuesday 12th: Key Stage 1 (Goldfinches, Hummingbirds & Kingfishers) 8.30am – 8.55am
Location: School Hall
Wednesday 13th: Lower Key Stage 2 (Kestrels & Swallows) 8.30am – 8.55am
Location: School Hall
Thursday 14th: Upper Key Stage 2 (Herons & Swans) 8.30am – 8.55am
Location: School Hall
So please come along and have a look! Don’t forget to check out your teacher’s ‘Wish List’ and donate a book to your child’s class if you can.
My Voice Matters: CMHW 2024
Schools around the UK are continuing to shine a light on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. This year's theme is ‘My Voice Matters’ and we want to empower children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing. Children who feel that their voices are heard and can make a difference have a greater sense of community and self-esteem.
There are also lots of resources available on Place2Be’s on the Children’s Mental Health Week website which you can access by clicking here.
Dress to Express Day: Friday 9th February
To mark the end of Children’s Mental Health Week, we held a Dress to Express Day and together we raised £141.58. The idea was simple – we asked our pupils to use colour to express themselves by wearing a colourful outfit to celebrate what makes them unique.
Thank you, to everyone who participated in our Dress to Express Day in order to shine a light on children’s mental health. Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated. All funds raised will go to the Catholic Children’s Society who provide a counselling service in our school and many others across London.
Year 5 and Year 6 visit to Wigmore Hall: Thursday 8th February 2024
Year 5 and Year 6 pupils, staff and accompanying parents were treated to a special concert for schools at Wigmore Hall on Thursday 8th February entitled Selense – Let’s Merry and Dance. The children were led on a musical tour around Africa visiting different countries and learning about their stories and their sounds.
The musicians performed songs on various instruments and in the styles from countries such as Morocco, Malia and Nigeria. It was a truly wonderful showcase for the talented musicians and performers.
Key Stage 1 at The Diana Memorial Playground: Tuesday 6th February 2024
To celebrate the end of their Pirates! topic, Key Stage 1 went on an adventure of their own by visiting the Diana Memorial Park to explore the pirate ship playground. Everyone had fun climbing aboard the pirate ship and looking for land ahoy! Thank you to all the staff and parents who made the day possible.
The children came home with lots of sand in their shoes but no buried treasure sadly! We look forward to welcoming parents and carers in to the exhibition of the wonderful pirate ship models the children have made and reading their pirate theme poems on Thursday 8th February.
Safer Internet Day: Tuesday 6th February 2024
Safer Internet Day is held every February all around the world. Last year, over 170 different countries celebrated the day! Safer Internet Day (SID) is a chance to think about any worries we might have about using technology and the internet, but it’s also about celebrating all the fantastic things technology can help us with. The theme of our celebrations and learning this year is 'Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online'.
Our dedicated team of Year 6 Digital Leaders worked with Mrs Wilson to prepare and present two special SID assemblies on the day- one for Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, and one for Key Stage 2. By participating in these assemblies, the children and staff joined thousands of others in celebrating SID! Thank you Alissia, Anabell, Lucas, Tiziana and Saphira for doing such a marvellous job of presenting and introducing SID 2024!
All year groups will be following up on the assemblies at an age appropriate level in class throughout the week and we look forward to sharing news of our forthcoming day of online safety workshops which will be taking place in March
For more information about Safer Internet Day 2024 please click here. Please also visit the Online Safety page of the school website which is updated regularly and includes copies of the school's monthly online safety newsletters including a special Safer Internet Day newsletter.
School Council News: January 2024
Members of our School Council were honoured to be invited to form a ‘Guard of Honour’ on Sunday 28th January at Matrade Loftus Road Stadium to welcome the players on to the pitch before the QPR v Huddersfield game. This amazing opportunity helped mark the start of the Green Football Weekend sustainability campaign which our School Council, in partnership with Miss Hampshire from QPR's Primary Stars Programme, are taking part in the spring term.
Green Weekend Campaign: February 2024
Green Football Weekend took place over the weekend of Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th February. With the help of our School Council, all in our school community were encouraged to compete for the coveted Green Football Cup by scoring green goals for QPR by taking climate-friendly actions. Thank you to all who sigened up to make a pledge and take action. To find out more please visit the Green Football Weekend website.
Forest School Visits
Our Reception and Key Stage 1 pupils were blessed with great weather as they returned to Forest School at Paddington Rec during the week beginning 29th January. Forest School is a fantastic opportunity for all of our children to experience nature and you can find out more about the school's programme by clicking here.
Here is what some of our pupils have to say about their experience of Forest School:
"I liked going hunting for the statues, my favourite was the wood pecker statue!" - Alfie (Year 1)
"We got to collect sticks, then we made stick men!" - Vinny (Year 1)
Whole School Mass: The Presentation of the Lord
Message from Fr. Keith
Friday February 2nd marked the end of the Christmas season, with the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, when we finally take down the Christmas Crib, and turn our thoughts to the next event in the liturgy, Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent, which is only a few days away this year.
The Mass on February 2nd with our school community was a very joyful occasion, beginning in a blaze of light as we carry candles into Church to point to Jesus as the light of the world. But remember, he told us that we also have to be the light of the world as we live in close communion with him, so let's allow the light of our faith and kindly actions to those in need shine forth in a dark world.
Fr. Keith
We look forward joining parishioners on Thursday 22nd February at St. Mary of the Angels Church at 11am to celebrate a special Ash Wednesday service. Parents and carers are most welcome to join us.
Ash Wedneday falls on the 14th February this year, during our half term break.
Holocaust Memorial Day Assembly: Tuesday 30th January
On Tuesday 30th January, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 took part in a special Holocaust Memorial Day Assembly led by Ms Jacob from QPR.
Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) takes place on 27 January each year and is a time to remember the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution and in the genocides which followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
Holocaust Memorial Day is a time when we seek to learn the lessons of the past and recognise that genocide does not just take place on its own – it’s a steady process which can begin if discrimination, racism and hatred are not checked and prevented.
Thank you to Ms Hampshire for orgainising and Ms Jacobs for delivering this poignant assembly.
Racial Justice Sunday: 28th January
Racial Justice Sunday (RJS) theme this year is ‘Seeing one another in the life of the Church’. The Image and Likeness of God resources spoke of recognising one another as children of God regardless of our race. Click here for more information. The spotlight this year is on the saints of every race and culture who reveal Christ to us.
St. Francis of Assisi (Year 1, Goldfinches)
Class Saints
Last term, each class were introduced to their Class Saints who have been chosen to reflect our diverse school community and we hope learning about and getting to know their Saint will encourage the children to see themselves in the life of the Church.
St. Josephine Bakhita (Year 5, Herons)
Sporting News at St. Mary of the Angels
Year 5 and Year 6 Boys Football
Well done to our Year 5 and Year 6 Boys football team who had an amazing tournament on Wednesday 24th January. The team worked well in both defence and attack, and communicated well with each other. The boys came third in their heat. Very well done!
Year 5 and Year 6 Girls Football
Well done to our Year 5 and Year 6 Girls football team who played in a tournament on Monday 29th January and came third in their group! The girls played incredibly well, especially having never played together as a team before. By the end of the tournament they had worked out a solid formation and won one of their matches 3-0. We are all so very proud of you all!
Key Stage 2 Cricket Competition
Our Year 6 cricket team played with confidence and determination and worked collaboratively together, at the cricket on Thursday 1st February. The Moogsoft William Greaves Trophy is the largest primary school cricket competition in the UK involving 18 London boroughs. Well done all to all and thank you for being such excellent representives of our school.
MCC Lord's Education Day
During the Education Day, Year 4 took part in some curriculum-based activities in different areas of the ground. The children had a tour of Lord's Cricket Ground where they got to see player’s dressing room, artwork in the Long Room and the museum. In the museum, they took part in a History and Literacy activity where they all shared their findings of artefacts. Then, the children did Art in the Pavilion which was based on the famous artist, Lowry. Finally, to end the day, Year 4 had a PE lesson in the indoor cricket centre. It was a fantastic trip and the children loved visiting Lord's.
Whole School Mass: Friday 12th January
We were delighted that children and staff from Reception to 6 were able to attend a Mass on Friday 12th January for the feast of the Epiphany, celebrated especially for the school by Mgr. Keith Barltrop in our parish church.
As a school we recognise that it is important to mark the feast of the Epiphany, which was celebrated during the Christmas holidays (6th January), and to spend some time reflecting on the Christmas season before moving too quickly from Advent. The Christmas season is such an important one in the Christian calendar, so it is essential that our pupils understand it and that it is a focus for prayer and liturgy. One way to extend the idea of Christmas is to keep the school crib up until the Presentation of the Lord.
We look forward joining parishioners on Friday 2nd February at St. Mary of the Angels Church at 11am to celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas Day.
Parents and carers are most welcome to join us.
Advent and Christmas Dates 2023
Preparing our hearts and minds to celebrate the Good News of Jesus’ birth is such an important part of our school and liturgical year. We very much look forward to bringing our school together during the season of Advent as follows:
Wednesday 29th November | Advent Carol Service at Westminster Cathedral (Year 6/ Pupil Chaplaincy Team) |
Wednesday 6th December | Key Stage 2 Carol Service 2:00pm @ St Mary of the Angles Church |
Thursday 7th December | Christmas Jumper Day |
Friday 8th December |
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Mass 11am (whole school Mass) Christmas Movie Night |
Tuesday 12th December | Foundation Stage Nativity 9:30am (parents/carers) |
Wednesday 13th December | Christmas Lunch for Children (own clothes day) |
Tuesday 19th December | Key Stage 1 Christmas Nativity 2:30pm (parents/carers) |
Wednesday 20th December | Special Visitor to the School |
Thursday 21st December | End of term 2/ School closed at 1:30pm for Christmas Holidays |
Monday 8th January | School Closed-Inset day |
Tuesday 9th January | School opens: Start of Term 3 |
Caritas Advent Giving Calendar
Inspired by Pope Francis, we asked our families to take part in our ‘Caritas Advent Giving Calendar’ project this Advent. Each class was assigned an item that the foodbank required from our ‘Caritas Advent Giving Calendar.’ We invited the children to bring in their donations on the date assigned to their class.
Thank you also to our wonderful, Caritas Ambassadors who gave up their time to deliver some of the goods donated to Westbourne Park Pantry on Thursday 14th December. Whilst at the pantry, the children got a tour of how the pantry operates and were able to asks the organisers and volunteers questions about the day-to-day running’s of the pantry.
Certificate of Appreciation
Special message from St. John's Hospice:
I wanted to send a message to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you from St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School for your support of St John’s Hospice. Your recent Christmas jumper fundraiser raised a fantastic £214.50! This brings your grand total to £618.84 since 2021. We are so grateful for your continued care and kindness.
Your donation will help us to expand our community outreach, in turn helping to combat loneliness and isolation experienced by people living with life-limiting illnesses and their carers.
Thank you for all of your hard work. I will post out two of our Light up a Life decorations, I hope you can hang them on your Christmas tree, this year.
Thank you once again for supporting St John's Hospice!
Sophie Gray
Senior Fundraising & Volunteer Manager
'Look North More Often' Poetry Project: Thursday 7th December 2023
Earlier in the term, our Year 6 Swans Class took part in a poetry workshop with well-known poet Coral Rumble. The workshop was focused around the history of the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree, which is gifted to London by Norway each year, as a symbol of friendship. Year 6 children wrote their own poems, inspired by Christmas time. Three children were chosen by Coral to read a poem at the lighting of the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree on Thursday 7th December. They performed beautifully in front of hundreds of people in the square, as well as Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan and Lord Mayor of Westminster, Councillor Patricia McAllister. We are extrememly proud of the children for representing our school in such a marvellous way.
KS2 Carol Service: Wednesday 6th December 2023
We were treated to the divine singing of our KS2 children this week, as we celebrated this special time of Advent with our Carol Service, held in St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Church. This year, we had the pleasure of hearing our newly formed choir perform several songs, lead by our singing teacher Ms. Murphy. Each class sang their carols beautifully, bringing joy and hope to the congregation. Well done also to the readers and actors, who told the Nativity story in a spectacular way. Thank you to parents and family who joined us for this special event.
'Winter Wishes' at Winter Wonderland: Tuesday 21st November 2023
Our UKS2 classes were fortunate enough to attend the 'Winter Wishes' event at Hyde Park Winter Wonderland. This event brought together many schools in Westminster, and provided an opportunity for children to experience the magic of Christmas time. Our partnership with Westminster Children's University allowed us to take part in this special day. Children had a spectacular time going on a range of rides, such as the Ice Jet and the Euro Coaster, and visited the Magical Ice Kingdom (-10 degrees with real ice sculptures!). We had a yummy hot chocolate to warm up, and ate our lunch in the Bavarian Village. We finished the day attending Zippo's Circus, which was full of amazing acrobatics and magic tricks. It was a brilliant day, and we could not wipe the smiles off our faces from start to end!
Advent Carol Service Westminster Cathedral: Wednesday 29th November 2023
Our Year 6 joined over a thousand children from schools across our diocese at the annual Advent Carol Service at Westminster Cathderal on Wednesday 29th December. It is a long standing tradition in our school that Year 6 attend this event in their final year at St. Mary of the Angels. Another tradition is the presence of a real life donkey who was joined this year by a goat!
The readings, drama and carols beautifully retold the events leading up to and following the birth of Jesus and it was wonderful to share the experience with so many other schools. The sound of the collective voices of so many children singing traditional carols was a joy to behold.
During the service, donations were collected for the Catholic Children’s Society which is one of the charities our team of Mini Vinnies choose to support each year during Advent and Lent. You can find out more about the charity's work by clicking here. Bishop John Sherringham asked us all to continue to pray for all those who are vulnerable and in need. Thank you Year 6 for representing our school so well.
KS2 Concert: Wednesday 28th November
Last Wednesday, our violin and cello students performed a concert for KS2. All students played their pieces beautifully, showcasing the skills they have been taught this year. We were also lucky to have our violin and cello teachers, as well as our music teacher Ms Diamond, perform some christmas songs for us to sing along to. There will be further opportunities for instrumental students to showcase their talents later in the year, which parents will be invited to.
Carols of Comfort and Joy at Westminster Cathedral: Saturday 25th November 2023
Our Chamber Choir were delighted to accept the invitation to sing at the Carols of Comfort and Joy at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 25th November. The concert brought together all the primary schools involved in the Westminster Schools Singing Programme this year and it was lovely that so many family members were able to come along to the Cathedral to enjoy the performance. Our chour will be singing three of their carols at our fothcoming Key Stage 2 Carol Service on Wednesday 6th December. Thank you to Miss Murphy, our choir leader, and all the choir members who sang on the day.
Anti-Bullying Week: 13th - 17th November
Last week we celebrated Anti-Bullying Week at St. Mary of the Angels. The theme this year was ‘Make A Noise About Bullying’. Our school’s ‘STOP’ acronym continues to support pupils, staff and parents/carers in identifying and preventing/stopping bullying.
We started the week off by inviting everyone from Nursery to Year 6 to wear odd socks to celebrate our uniqueness and to remind us to love and respect everyone for their differences.
Thank you to Ms Jacobs from QPR who delivered a wonderful assembly and worked with our Year 5 and Year 6 classes in order to shine a spotlight on bullying and to encourage children, teachers and parents to take action against bullying throughout the year.
Remember to ask your child about what they have learnt this year during our Anti-Bullying Awareness Week!
Swallows Prayer of Remembrance and Hope
Dear God,
At this peaceful time of remembrance, we think if those who gave their lives to serve their countries in two world wars.
We also remember those who have lost their lives in other war-torn areas across the world.
We pray for those who have been injured through war and have to adapt to new and sometimes difficult ways of life.
Support and comfort them through this Journey.
We remember the families and friends of those affected by war, both past and present.
Send them hope so that they can remain strong.
But most of all we pray for hope.
We hope that one day we can live in a world of peace where everyone respects one another and loves one another.
Please God, let it be.
Judaism Assembly: Tuesday 7th November
This week Mrs Waine led us in a special whole school assembly all about Judaism. Mrs Waine reflected and taught the children all about her Jewish faith and family. Mrs Waine discussed our school values and throughout the assembly, community cohesion and unity was emphasised.
We thank Mrs Waine for leading such an immersive assembly whereby the children were able see authentic Jewish artefacts and learn all about The Torah, Shabbat, Festivals and the Synagogue.
Remember to ask your child all about what they have learnt this week in our special assembly and in class.
To find out more about our RE Curriculum please click here or visit the Catholic Life of the school by clicking here.
Reminder: Winter Coats Campaign
You have until Monday 20th November to drop off your donations of coats, fleeces and jackets to the front office.
What winter clothing items are needed?
- Coats of all styles
- Jackets
- Gilets
- Fleeces
All coats and winter jackets in good condition are welcome for children or adults.
Many thanks,
The Mini Vinnie Team
Calling London Poster - St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School | [pdf 1MB] |
Feast of All Saints: Wednesday 1st November
Wednesday 1st November was the Feast of All Saints and we were delighted that children and staff in Years 1 to 6 were able to attend a Mass celebrated by Mgr. Keith Barltrop in our parish church.
We now look forward joining parishioners to celebrate Mass for The Solemnity Immaculate Conception on Friday 8th December at St. Mary of the Angels Church @11am. Parents and carers are most welcome to join us.
Black History Month Assembly: Saluting Our Sisters
Thank you to Ms Hampshire and Ms Jacobs from QPR who delivered a wonderful assembly and worked with all year groups from Year 1-6 on Tuesday 31st October in oder to shine a spotlight on the remarkable contributions of Black women throughout history.
The workshops celebrated the life and achievements of a Black woman who have made thier mark on our world in their own special way.
Please click the presentation below to view the assembly and to see the remarable women the children learnt about in our BHM assembly.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2023 (1) | [pdf 1MB] |
Key Stage 1 Habitat Exhibition: 19th October 2023
Thank you to all who came along to our Key Stage 1 Habitat Exhibition on Thursday 19th October. It was wonderful to welcome so many parents/carers and staff into the hall to look and appreciate all the hard work of our Year 1 and Year 2 pupils. The models and art work were amazing and the children were rightly proud to share what they had created. It was also a pleasure to hear how much parents had enjoyed spending time with their child planning, resourcing and creating the habitats which ranged from deep under the sea to the tree tops in jungles.
A wonderful reminder too if the glory and wonder of God’s creation.
Caritas Ambassadors Assembly: 17th October 2023
On Tuesday 17th October, we welcomed three special visitors to our school, Sister Silvana Dallanegra, Fr. Keith and Nigel the Penguin. Sister Silvana delivered a wonderful assembly, teaching and informing the pupils of about our Caritas Ambassadors program and our call to serve.
Our wonderful Mini Vinnies and Pupil Chaplaincy Team will work together this year to undertake the task of imagining, planning and developing ways of making their dreams for our future world a reality.
We will continue to work closely with Sister Silvana and Fr. Keith to develop a social action project for our school and local area.
Keep an eye out on the Caritas page (found in the Catholic Life of the School section of the website) for updates about their work!
Black History Month 2023: Saluting Our Sisters
Black History Month is celebrated every October and is a special time dedicated to celebrating the incredible contributions of Black individuals. The theme for this year is 'Saluting Our Sisters' so we will be shining a spotlight on the remarkable contributions of Black women throughout history. We have displayed some posters around the school which celebrate the life and achievements of a Black woman who has made her mark on our world in her own special way. This year our focus at St. Mary fo the Angels will be on brilliant and pioneering Black women who have shaped maths and science. More news to follow!
Mini Vinnies 2023-2024: Turning Concern into Action
Thank you to all the pupils who took part in our wear yellow campaign at school, in order to raise awareness for World Mental Health Day which was celebrated at school on Tuesday 10th October. All funds raised will go towards supporting the Young Minds charity.
Families and pupils were asked to bring in £1 to go towards this fantastic cause and we are pleased to say that we raised £160.25.
We thank you so much for your fantastic fundraising efforts.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
On Thursday 28th September, our school community came together to host our first ever Macmillan Coffee Morning. Staff, parents/carers and our Chaplaincy Team joined together to raise an amazing £220 for Macmillan Cancer Support. As always, thank you for your generosity and support; your donation of cakes made sure that the time spent together over a cup of tea/coffee was enjoyed by all.
We look forward to holding the event again next year.
Thank you and farewell Year 6!
We have had a number of events to celebrate and give thanks for all our Year 6 pupils have contributed to our school starting with the Leavers’ disco last on Friday 14th July which was enjoyed by all. This was followed by a dress rehearsal of their end of year production of ‘Aladdin Trouble’ for pupils and staff on Monday 17th, with the performance proper for parents and family members on the evening of Tuesday 18th July. Both performances were amazing, but the evening performance was an absolute triumph which ended with a well-deserved standing ovation. Congratulations to everyone involved and to Miss Hulands and Miss Fahss in particular for all their hard work which ensured that everyone had a part to play and an opportunity to shine. The narration, acting, singing, costumes, props and staging were brilliant and, while there were many stellar individual performances, it was a true ensemble piece which the children clearly enjoyed performing …. so much so that it was hard to get them off the stage at the end! Thank you to the audience too who engaged in the booing and hissing as directed and laughed in all the right places. The final formal celebration was our Leavers’ Mass in the parish church on Wednesday 19th, celebrated by Fr. Keith, which was followed by a drinks reception after school. Throughout all the events, our Year 6 pupils have shown great maturity and camaraderie which is a sign that they are ready for the next stage of their learning and faith journey although they will be greatly missed by all.
Healthy School Awards: July 2023
Miss O’Brien and Miss Cunniffe have worked extremely hard this year to secure the Healthy Early Years London Bronze Award and the Healthy Schools London Bronze Award for the school. Our school was previously awarded the Gold Award in both categroies and once Gold is achieved, the cycle starts again after two years, beginning with audits of our current provision for keeping pupils healthy. The audits included a review of our lunch and breakfast club menus to ensure pupils have access to healthy meal choices and a review of our provision for physical activity across the school which has been a strength of the school for many years. We look forward to updating you on our progress towards the silver award next year!
Earlier this term we celebrated two weeks dedicated to art and music, in partnership with the wonderful outreach team from Wigmore Hall. Musical themed events included a special performance from a talented duo called Duo Eunoia https://www.duoeunoia.com/ who created and tailored their performance for our school. Their musical story included songs our violinists had been learning, along with a song from the Year 6 production as a surprise for the children. The piano and violin duo then held a special question and answer session with pupils after their moving performance. Another musical highlight was the workshop led by Rosie from Wigmore Hall, who performed some original and more well know songs on handpipes and the Marimba.
Our whole school art theme was ‘Identity’ and pupils were encouraged to use the arts to explore their own individuality and what makes each one of us unique. Each pupil created a piece of artwork celebrating their own identity, which became part of a collabrative class art piece. These are now displayed around the school and certainly celebrate how wonderfully we have been created in the image and likeness of God.
The Big Sing! Friday 30th June 2023
Our two week focus on music and art in June 2023 culminated in ‘The Big Sing’. Preparations for this musical extravaganza started with a workshop where teachers, supported by members of the Wigmore Hall team, were tasked with writing a chorus for our new school song which we linked to the book ‘Change Sings’. This inspiring book by Andrea Gorman tells the story of a young girl who leads a cast of characters on a musical journey. They learn that they have the power to make changes - big or small - in the world, in their communities, and most importantly, in themselves. Each class were than tasked with writing their own original verse for the song entitled ‘Building Up!’. The whole school then gathered together on Friday 30th June to perform our new and unique school with everyone joining in the chorus and each class singing their individual verses. It was an incredible celebration of coming together, diversity and identity and a wonderful finale!
Music Mark
We are very proud to be continue to be a Music Mark School. The Music Mark is awarded by the Music Subject Association in recognition of the value that St. Mary of the Angels places on music and for ensuring pupils are able to access and engage with a high-quality music education. It also recognises our dedication to offering and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum.
Safer Internet Day: Tuesday 7th February 2023
Safer Internet Day is an event organised by the UK Safer Internet Centre, which aims to promote safe, responsible, and positive use of internet technology. For Safer Internet Day 2023, the theme is “Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online”. It’s very important to provide young people with a safe space where they can share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences about life online.
Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote in St. Mary of the Angels and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year.
A special thank you to Amelia, Esteban, Keiyana, Luca and Otsaye, our dedicated team of Digital Leaders, who delivered two special assemblies on the day (one for Foundation Stage / Key Stage 1 and one for key Stage 2).
Please click on the 'Online Safety' button below for more guidance to help you keep your child safe online including our monthly online safety newsletters.
Secondary Transfer September 2023
Year 6 parents / carers are invited to click here for information regarding secondary transfer.
World Mental Health Day: Tuesday 10th October 2023
Thank you to all the pupils who took part in our wear yellow campaign at school, in order to raise awareness for World Mental Health Day which was celebrated at school on Tuesday 10th October. All funds raised will go towards supporting the Young Minds charity.
Families and pupils were asked to bring in £1 to go towards this fantastic cause and we are pleased to say that we raised £160.25.
We thank you so much for your fantastic fundraising efforts.
World Mental Health Day Assembly
Thank you to Ms Hampshire (QPR) and Ms Jacobs (QPR) and our Mini Vinnies (MV) for a wonderful assembly raising awareness of the good works carried out by the charity Young Minds and shining a light on mental health.
We look forward to the activities planned by our MV on the 17th October in order to raise the profile of wellbeing and pupil voice throughout our school.