Welcome to Class F's Home Learning Page!
Good morning Class F!
How are you finding home learning? It's really strange being away from everyone and not being able to see friends. Remember, when you are home learning, always take movement breaks and brain breaks. You feel so much better after one!
Here's a news story I think might make you smile - it's got some very cute animals: Click me!!
Don't forget to solve the problem of the day. How are you finding solving them? I've also added a pirate chalenge for you - it'll stay until the end of the week, so complete it when you can :)
Have a lovely day,
Miss Percival :)
Class F's Timetable
Class F - I've made a timetable to help you in your learning. I know how much you enjoy following our daily timetable at school and reminding me if I forget to change it!
However, it's important to remember this is just a guide. Talk to your adult and decide what is best for you and how much you can achieve each day. Remember to have lots of movement breaks and brain breaks. Don't forget you need brain food too!
Resources For All Learners
Dear Parents/Carers,
The staff at SMA have been working together to come up with a list of online learning tools, and websites with fun and engaging, educational content. Please take some time to look at the document below. We have included a brief description of each website, as well as the age range we believe it is best suited to.
Thank you for your continued support, care and love for the school, staff, children and community.
Happy learning!
SMA Staff.
Websites For Home | [docx 2MB] |
Tuesday 31st March
This week, we will be revising our learning of fractions. Click here and join on 'Lesson 7: Finding a third'. Complete the flashback, just like we do in class. Then watch and participate along with the video! After this, you can click on the worksheet - either print it or write the answers down in your blue book. If you'd like, there's some games on Mathletics you can play.
Yesterday, you were very busy writing a letter to a friend. Today, the Jolly Postman has a task for you! He's got into a bit of bother and needs your help sorting out an address. Click on the Jolly Postman attachment below for this task. I bet he'll be very grateful for your help :)
Either pick a book from BugClub or read one from your home library.
All this half term, we've been learning about different animals and their habitats. Today, using your MyUSO login, I'd like you to complete a virtual experiment! Use this link and then click onto 2B - Plants and animals in the local environment. Complete both the 'Introduction' and the 'main activity.' Then, if you're ready for a challenge, have a go at the extension!
Monday 30th March
Today, we will be revising our learning of fractions. Click here and join in on 'Lesson 6: Recognising a third'. Complete the flashback, just like we do in class. Then watch the video! After this, you can click on the worksheet - either print it or write the answers down in your blue book. If you'd like, there's some games on Mathletics you can play.
Today, I'd like to you to write a letter to a friend. It could be someone you know from school, someone from brownies or a friend that lives far away. Think about 3 things you would like to tell them you've been doing. Don't forgot to use capital letters, full stops, adjectives and make it exciting! What else could you use?
Here's a sentence starter you could use: Dear _________, I hope you're well! I've had a really strange week - school has been closed!
Either pick a book from BugClub or read one from your home library.
In RE, you'll be learning the story of Palm Sunday. Either read the story from your Bible at home, or click here to watch the video. Then, either write it in your books, or log onto BusyThings (using your MyUSO password) and click 'My Assignments'. There is a Palm Sunday template for you to use. I can't wait to see some of your brilliant recounts.
Below, I've added a home learning outline that explains some of the activities we will be completing this week :)
KS1 Home Learning- Week 2 | [docx 106KB] |
Share A Story
Will you share a story with me Class F? I've been looking and I've found us a new class book to share together!
It's called 'Story Party' and it contains lots of different stories for us to listen to. I'm going to listen to a chapter a day - that's two (or sometimes 3) stories! But if you can't thats ok. Just listen for as long you'd like - or listen to a little bit throughout the day!
Will you join me at 3pm everyday?
Click on me to listen to our new class book :)
High Frequency Words
I've put together all of the Year 1 & 2 high frequency words. See how many you already know and which ones you might need a little more practise at.
I've also attached some fun ways you can try and learn your spellings. Let me know which method is your favourite!
Year 1 & 2 Common Exception Words | [docx 709KB] |
Harold's Daily Diary
Harold from the Life Bus is writing a diary entry every day for you!
On his diary, you can read about all the different things Harold is getting up to when schools are closed. Can you be like Harold and write a daily diary entry too?
Click here to read Harold's daily diary entry :)
The Mystery of the Astronaut - Phonics Investigation
In the summer, a space shuttle is heading to space. For the mission, two astronauts have already been chosen but there needs to be a third. Many astronauts long to be chosen and a large amount of people have put themselves forward for the job. Your task is to solve the clues to work out which astronaut will be chosen. Good luck!
The Mystery of the Astronauts | [pdf 1MB] |
Happy Birthday!
Did you know you share your birthday with around 18 million people in the world! That's a whole lot of cake!!
Research the date of your birthday - what significant events have taken place that day?
Then, either using the sheet attached or your blue books - write about it!
Happy Birthday To You! | [pdf 310KB] |
Each week, I'll be posting a MindUp activity for you to have a go at, just like we do in class.
This week, we will look at 'Your Brain'. This activity helps you to revise what the key parts of the brain are, and their functions. Throughout the week, have a go at some of these activities I've attached, along with the poster to help you. Maybe you could do one a day - remember to take brain breaks to help your learning!
Oscar Romero
CAFOD is one of the charities that we support at St Mary of the Angels.
This week, they have put a pack together for you and your family to learn about Saint Oscar Romero. Discuss with the people in your family why you think Oscar Romero was such a special person.
Then have a go at making a Romero cross, but for your family. You could use this to help you pray at home too. I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Romero Cross | [pdf 621KB] |
Phonics Play
Whilst school is closed, Phonics Play is free for everyone! There are so many fun games for you to choose from.
Ask your adult to help you log in on the website (https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/). Try to revise phases 4,5 and 6.
Username: march20
Password: home
Times Tables Rock Stars
This is a fantastic online resource that helps you to practise your recall of multiplication facts. Before using it, your adult will need to log on (https://play.ttrockstars.com/registration). The website is free for everyone whilst schools are closed. You'll be a times tables magician when we come back to school!
Oxford Owl
This is a fantastic website that has lots of free books for you to read! It also has a brilliant range of phonic and spelling games, as well as lots of maths games too! Let me know what your favourite game to play is!
Click here to explore this website with your adult: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Online Learning
Have a look at what learning has been set on these websites:
Mathletics | |
Complete the daily maths tasks you have been set :) | |
Busy Things | |
Click onto 'My Assignments' or just have some choice time! | |
Bug Club | |
See what different books you can read and play some grammar and spelling games :) | |
Music | |
Everyday a new song will be added. Can you and your family learn the song? Try to put on a performance! | |
Audible | |
A fantastic collection of stories that you can listen to online. Remember to always have your adult with you whilst on this website. |
Stay Active!
During home learning, it's really important that you have movement breaks and stay fit and active. Click on the image to have a look at all the different ways you can do this. Enjoy! :)
Choice Time Activities
Pick an activity you'd like to try. Can you take a photo of it or draw it? Was it easy or hard to do? Did you need some help or plan what you had to do first? Enjoy :)