Homepage Archive 2018

International Day Saturday 17th March 2018

Message from the Parents and Friends Committee                                                                                                          

Thank you to all the teachers, support staff and parents who worked ‘as one’ to make this year’s International Day such a tremendous success and really brought our school community together. This wonderful annual event brought together people from 44 different countries across all continents to share food, drink and entertainment in an uplifting and inclusive environment. This event would not be the same without the donations of food and drink and decorations from our families and the staff so we thank you yet again for your generosity and for the delicious dishes and mouth-watering aromas that wafted through the school. A special thank you also to our families from the Philippines who came together to sing and dance for us, to  Sensei Sayed and his students for their karate display, to Nelio and his students for their capoeira display and to the Malinka drummers. Thank also to everyone who bought a ticket and supported the event by coming along on the day.  Please visit the website to see some photos of the event. Together we raised an amazing £1467.79! As you will recall, the money raised by the PFA this year is to go towards the cost of the new lighting installed earlier this year in the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. We now look forward to planning the Summer Fair which takes place on Saturday 23rd June. You are warmly invited to join Mrs Wilson and the committee  when we meet for our first  planning meeting after school on Monday 23rd April.  A crèche will be provided. Wishing you all a lovely Easter break.

Debra Caprice, Cheryl Joseph (Co-chairs), Sarah Hodges (Secretary) and Tolu Ayoola (Treasurer)

London Youth Games Tuesday 20th March 2018

An update from Miss Wakely

'The girls played so well as a team today. I was so proud of them for representing Westminster. in their bespoke red 'Team Westminster' shirts which are theirs to keep. Our team played against the top teams from all the other London boroughs so it was a very competitive tournament.  Our girls played well and with such a positive attutude. Mrs Da Sousa and I are very proud of the whole team.  Our team didn't qualify for the finals on the day but played to the best of their abilities. I am sure the squad will get a special mention at Friday's assembly and Mrs Da Sousa and I are looking forward to awarding our 'Woman of the Match' award.'

Westminster Schools' Football Finals

The finals of the Westminster School Football Competition took place on Friday 23rd February and we were delighted that both our girls and boys squads made it through. Both teams played exceptionally well and were supported in true St. Mary of the Angels style by their Year 5 & 6 classmates and staff.  The boys played St. Joseph’s in a very close game which they lost 2 – 1. The girls played Essendine School in an even closer match which ended a draw so went to extra time and then penalties, which are always a tense way to settle a match for players and supporters.  Our girls kept their nerve and won the game and will now go on to represent Westminster in the London Youth Games Finals in Redbridge on 20th March. Both teams should be very proud of their achievements and for their conduct throughout the tournament. We look forward to hearing of how the girls get on and will keep you posted.

Life Education Bus Annual Visit: 21st - 23rd May 2018

Corum Life Education’s ‘Life Bus’ will be parking up outside the school this Friday in preparation for our class and parents, sessions next week. The fun and engaging life skills sessions are aligned with the National Curriculum and support the school in deleivering aspects of the curriculum for Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship.  The pupils will get the chance to meet Harold the Giraffe (the puppet also know as ‘Healthy Harold’) and friends, have discussions and watch short age appropriate films about healthy eating, legal and illegal drugs and their effects, the body and how it works, friendships and their influence, and how choices and behaviours can affect dreams and aspirations.  Click here to see the programme overview and find out more about the sessions for each year group. Parents and carers are warmly invited to come and experience the wonder of the Life Bus at 3pm on Tuesday 22nd May. 

A special community

'Thank you for making the school what it is: a peaceful environment, where everyone loves each other and everyone cares for each other. We all feel like one big community of brothers and sisters looking out for each other.'

Message written in a Christmas card to all the staff by a pupil in Upper KS2, Dec 2016

Click on the link below to see more photos of our recent Science Week Showcase.

Click to Download Science Week Showcase 22 March 2018 [pdf 5MB] Click to Download
Year 6 School Journey

Year 6 are enjoying an action packed week of adventure at YMCA Fairethorne Manor is Southampton this week (18 - 22 June). Activities include archery, abseling, zip wire, rock climbing and an obstacle course. They have been blessed with wonderful weather and are making the most of all that is on offer. A definite highlight is Wednesday evening's disco and we hope the pupils (and staff) have enough energy left to hit the dance floor!

Summer Fair 
Green for Grenfell

On the first anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire, we showed our love and support for all those who died and have been affected by the tragedy by joining with the nation for a minute’s silence. Read more by clicking on the link below. 

Harvest Festival 2018

On Friday 5th October, pupils and staff came together for a special assembly to celebrate Harvest Festival. The tins, cans and other assorted foods that had been kindly donated by the families of St. Mary of the Angels took centre stage as we took time to thank and praise God for all we receive and the many blessings in our lives. Heather Neufville, a representative from the Westminster Foodbank, reminded us all how imprtant it is to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves.  As always, we could not help the organisations that we do without the support of the generosity of our school community. Thank you.

Foundation Stage Fun Day

On Friday 5th October, we had our annual Foundation Stage Fun day. Everyone had a wonderful time and it was lovely to see parents, carers, pupils, siblings and staff enjoying the day.  The bouncy castle, tombola and face painting were big hits once again and the cakes and burgers went down a treat. A big thank you to everyone that came and made it such a successful and enjoyable day for our school community.

The myUSO website provides access to a range ot online resources to support learning at home and at school. 

Click on the myUSO logo above or go to http://my.uso.im/213-3532 to access the school's myUSO page. At the bottom of the page you will see three login buttons.   In school pupils log in by clicking on the blue Who Am I login and choosing their class, name and then entering their 4 digit pin number. At home all pupils must use the green Easy Login option. Usernames and passwords were sent home ealrier this term. We hope you and your child enjoy exploring all the resources. 

Science Week Showcase Event: Thursday 22nd March 2018
Brigthen Up for CAFOD! 19th October 2018

Thank you on behalf of our team of Mini Vinnies to everyone who wore something bright to school today and made a donation to CAFOD. Together we raised £230! Our team of Mini Vinnies will be writing to pupils and parents/carers after half term to share more about their pledge to help our school community to continue to turn concern into action. Click here to find out more how CAFOD is supporting the people of Indonesia after the recent tsunami. 

Heavenly Father, You hold the whole world deep in your heart. Sharing our pains and burdens. Delighting in our joys and successes. We offer you our prayers – both spoken and unspoken – and ask you to hear us as we pray for others around your world. Amen.

Shakespeare Exhibition Thursday 15h November 2018

Our first ever Shakespeare Fortnight here at St. Mary of the Angels saw the pupils spend the first two weeks of Term 2 studying the works of William Shakespeare. Each Key Stage took part in an exciting range of learning activities including drama, art, discussions and debates which resulted in some fantastic pieces of work. One of the many highlights of the project was the collaboration between our Upper Key Stage 2 classes and our youngest pupils in Nursery and Reception who delved into the romance and tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Key Stage 1 studied A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Lower Key Stage 2 studied Macbeth. Thank you to everyone who came to see the work for themselves when they joined pupils and staff at the wonderful Shakespeare Exhibition which took place after school on Thursday 15th November. To find out more please click on the document link below. 

Click to Download Shakespeare Fortnight & Exhibition [pdf 4MB] Click to Download

Year 6 Production of The Adventures of Staggering Stan
Our Eucharistic Journey: Oh Come All Ye Faithful Assembly 14th December 2018

As part of our Eucharistic journey in this year of Adoremus , Mr Harrison set the pupis and staff a special challenge. Our task was to write and perform our own lyrics for the well known carol 'Oh Come All Ye Faithful' or sing the carol in a different way at our 'Oh Come All Ye Faithful' assembly on Friday 14th December. One of the many highlights of this special assembly was Class JD's performance of the orginal carol in simplified British sign language while JI's rendition of the hymn in Latin was very impressive. Please click on the links below to hear our Nursery and Reception pupils sinigng their wonderful version with the rest of the school joining in the last verse snd Class P singing 'Oh Come All Ye Loyal'. For more information on Adoremus please visit the Catholic Life of the School section of the website.

Click to Download Hands Up! Jesus is Born, Foundation Stage [pptx 4MB] Click to Download
Click to Download Oh Come All Ye Loyal, Class P [pptx 3MB] Click to Download
Click to Download Lyrics Ji and JL [docx 14KB] Click to Download