Herons 2021 - 2022
Curriculum Newsletters - Spring 1
Open below to find information regarding the curriculum for Spring 1.
There is extra information on RHE and Topic (Navigators) - Wars of the World.
Relationships and Health Education
Please see the separate Relationships and Health Education overview of what the children will be learning this term.
Life to the Full Spring Term 2022 Upper Key Stage 2 Year A | [pdf 431KB] |
Herons - Year 5 Spring 12022 | [pdf 310KB] |
WARS OF THE WORLD | [pdf 27MB] |
RE - Spring 2022 | [pdf 618KB] |
Photography Exhibition - Paddington Arts
Y5 and Y6 created absolutely fantastic pieces of artwork. Thank you to all of the family and friends who came to celebrate all of Herons and Swans' hard work, we really appreciate your time and effort. The children were extremely proud of what they had created and we are too. Gail and Steve from Paddington Arts were very impressed with the level of creativity from St Mary of the Angels pupils. They also commented on their teamwork, well done!
St Mary of the Angels have been celebrating STEAM week which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. This year's British Science Week theme is 'growth'. We have found examples of growth within all subjects around us, making it an excellent starting point for a celebration of SCIENCE. Continue sending in your posters based on this theme for our school competition. Your poster could explore a tadpole's journey into a fully grown adult frog or a seed's growth journey into a beautiful flower. We are looking forward to seeing your ideas!
On Monday, Year 5 and 6 got to visit the Goethe Institut to perform the famous Beatles song Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. We learnt the numbers, folk songs and the lyrics to Yeah Yeah Yeah, all in German. Everyone sang so beautifully and relished the opportunity. After speaking to the staff members of the Goethe Institut, they were extremely impressed with how quick the children picked up the language and theie beautiful singing.
The children have also started farming businesses as a STEM project. The children worked extremely well in their groups creating and presenting their logos, slogans and products to promote healthy eating across schools. Herons had the opportunity to do some planting of vegetables for their farming project whilst understanding the science behind it. They have been using a range of skills, including market research, maths, engineering and, design and technology to make their business ideas come to life which will be continued over the next week. Well done Herons, great work!
There will be more photos to follow.
Westminster Climate Change Conference
Well done to all of Year 5 and Year 6 for taking part in the ClimateEd workshop this year. Our school, St Mary of the Angels, was the first school in Westminster to take part. We had visitors from the council join us to see what the children had learnt. They were all inspired by their curiosity and enthusiasm towards their learning. After this opportunity, Westminster Council has now decided to roll this out to more schools across the borough. They thanked St Mary of the Angels for being the first school to take part and said the children's contributions during the sessions has allowed this to be possible. Westminster Council also selected six pupils to represent St Mary of the Angels in a Westminster climate change conference, which took place on Monday 31st January 2022. Jaidyn, Jordan, Erica, Meron, Vera and JJ shared what they had learned during the workshop to over 100 people on a conference call. They also asked challenging questions for the panel to answer. The panel were extremely impressed with the level of questioning which really got them thinking. St Mary of the Angels are very proud!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=am0vPG3LuDA from 9 minutes 50 seconds
Photography Workshop
Herons will be starting a photography workshop on 17.01.22 for the next 4 weeks. It will take place in the afternoons. The first week we will be going on a photography walk (around our local area). Please see attached the information for our workshop.
Fire Safety
We took part in a fire safety course on Wednesday 12th January 2022.
Here are some useful links: https://www.london-fire.gov.uk/safety/the-home/home-fire-safety-visits/
Growing Together
For our current topic, we have been basing our work on The Promise. You can listen to the story/watch the short film here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea7W4EfhZGk
We have been creating a non-fiction text (leaflet) based on green spaces and the impact they have. Look out for some examples from us by the end of the week.
Also we have been taking part in a weekly workshop from ClimateEd that links to our topic. This is all about the impact of climate change and what we can do to help. Check out photos of us along with Swans getting involved in some fantastic discussions.
Year 5 Welcome Meeting
Welcome to Year 5!
We have had a fantastic start to the new school year. The children have been enthusiastic, engaged and excited about their learning.
Thank you to all who were able to attend the Year 5 Welcome Meeting on Thursday. If you were unable to make it, or would like to view the information again, the slides are provided.
We look forward to working in partnership with you to support your children this year.
Miss O'Brien and Miss Hulands
SMA Welcome Meeting Year 5 2021-22 | [pdf 615KB] |