Welcome to JD's page
Hi all,
I will be posting on here daily at 9.00 am whilst you are working from home with new learning ideas and activities for you! I have also made a timetable similar to the one that we follow in school as I know you guys love to see what is coming up in the day. This is just a rough guide for what you can do each day but I know each of you learn differently so change this timetable to suit you and your home learning.
Resources For All Learners
Dear Parents/Carers,
The staff at SMA have been working together to come up with a list of online learning tools, and websites with fun and engaging, educational content. Please take some time to look at the document below. We have included a brief description of each website, as well as the age range we believe it is best suited to.
Thank you for your continued support, care and love for the school, staff, children and community.
Happy learning!
SMA Staff.
Websites For Home | [docx 2MB] |
LKS2 week | [docx 114KB] |
LKS2 week 2 | [docx 106KB] |
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Good Morning JD,
I hope you are enjoying your learning from home, I am missing all your smiley faces! Today in English you will be looking at homphones, those tricky words that sound the same but are spelt differently.
In Maths, you will be continuing to look at fractions. Check out the helpful videos before you start.
Make sure to upload anything you do on J2Write so I can have a look at your lovely work!
Miss Stephenson :)
Homphones are those tricky words that sound the same but are spelt differently. Can you create a helpful poster that shows the different homophones and their spellings. See above for some ideas on ways to show the information and different homophones.
Book Talk
Predict what you think might happen in David Walliams' Hank's Pranks using the front cover. Where is it set? Who might the characters be? What is the story going to be about? Is there a moral/what might it be? Then listen to the first extract. https://soundcloud.com/worlds-worst-children-3/hanks-pranks-extract-1
Today we are starting our new topic in Religious Education focusing on Self Discipline. Can you think of someone who has worked hard and accomplished great things? Can you research the types of things they had to do to achieve their accomplishments? Above is an example using a footballer and some of the questions you could answer for your famous person.
Spellings - Week 2
Every week, I will put up three sets of spellings: mild, spicy and hot. Please use your judgement on which are most appropriate for your child. If you are not sure for this week you can test your child on a few of the spellings and see how they do. As we would do in school, if you would like you can test your child on Wednesday morning next week after they’ve had the spellings for a week.
Monday 30th March 2020
Hello JD,
I hope you've had a good week and lovely weekend. I'd love to see what you've been up to this week so if you have any pictures you can upload them onto J2e or J2write! Here are some pictures of what i've been up to. I have spent time making some abstract art, reading in my garden, playing board games and doing a Harry Potter puzzle.
This past week i've been astounded by some of the writing I have seen on J2e. If you have done anything in your home learning book or on paper you can take a photo and upload it to your page on J2e.
This week Lyra created an amazing poem using alitteration and imagery. Check back in next Sunday to see if your writing has been posted.
Today you can create a fact file based on a mythical creature. Here is an example of one for a dragon that you can use as inspiration.
Book Talk
This week we will be looking at Hank's Pranks by David Walliams. Today can you imagine you are a journalist and have been asked to write a biography for David Walliams. Include key information about his life and his career in writing and any other interesting facts.
This week there is a video and worksheet for each lesson on fractions. Follow along the lessons each day and try your best! Use your home learning book to copy out questions if you do not have a printer at home.
To end your day we recommend a story at 3pm. We will be posting a story everyday however, please feel free to pick up a book of your own and give it a read!
Todays read is The Lorax by Dr Seuss.
Friday 27th March 2020
Happy Friday JD!
I am missing you all and miss seeing all of the wonderful work that you do! Below I have added some extra information and challenges to help you complete your homelearning packs.
Today you should be editing and re-drafting the stories that you wrote yesterday. Remember the best story writers always take the time to edit their work again, and again and again! So make sure you take your time in this important step of the story writing. If you would like to share your story with me, redraft on J2e.
If you are looking for an extra challenge in maths this week then check out the maths stories below. Can you create your own maths story just like we did on world book day in class?
Think about your local area (back garden, local park etc). Make an action plan on how you could make changes to that area to help our local environment. How would you encourage more wildlife to live there? What could you do to get people to recycle?
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Stephenson
A place for Zero
Zero is lonely in Digitaria. He can't play Addemup with the other numbers, because he has nothing to add. What's a digit to do? Join Zero as he goes on a journey to discover his place.
A remainder of one
Hup, two, three, four! We're in the 25th Army Corps. Queen's count! Two, three! We are the marching infantry! Poor Joe! He wants to march in the parade, but every time the lines are uneven, he must stand aside. What's a poor bug to do? Joe is determined. He studies the problem, relining the twenty-five bugs in his squadron from two lines to three lines to four lines, until inspiration and fortitude result in five lines of five -- and Joe fits in the last.
Thursday 26th March 2020
Good morning JD!
Today in English you are writing your story, don't forget to use your plan to help you as you write. You can even play some instrumental music just like we do in class to help you focus.
Also, don't forget that once you have completed your maths activities in your home learning pack there are lots of fantastic activities available on mathematics. I've seen a few of you have already been busy giving these a go.
If you are looking for a little art project this afternoon, I saw this beautiful communion rite inspired artwork below. You can have a go creating your own communion art, and write an explanation below it remembering all the key symbols that we leant in R.E over the last couple of weeks. You can create your images using lots of different materials (pencils, crayons or even collage using old magazines and newspapers.
Have a wonderful day JD,
Miss Stephenson :)
You could use pencils, pens or crayons to create a beautiful stain glass window of the chalice and host.
This artwork has used tissue paper to create a beautiful collage effect. If you don't have tissue paper around the house you could always use old magazines, newspapers and other recycled materials. (Remember to check with parents and careers first before using any materials you find around the house).
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Good Morning JD!
I hope you are all well and enjoying the activities, make sure you scroll down to see lots of different activities you could do too.
Today for English it is the planning stage of your story. Remember to take your time with your plan as this will set you up to create a fantastic story tomorrow! Watch the video of Plot Mountain to remind you of the different stages within a narrative.
Also, I have attached a planning worksheet to give you some help and guidance - a number of questions are there to get your brain going.
We have been re-capping addition and subtraction for maths this week. I have put a link below for parents and careers which shows you how we teach this in school (You will need to be logged in to My USO to access this login)
Lastly, don't forget to keep trying your best like you always do JD! I'm looking forward to seeing all of the amazing work you do and remember you can always save your work on J2 write if you would like to show me your work today!
Speak to you tomorrow,
Miss Stephenson :)
Parents math support | |
Fantastic videos explain how children are taught different math concepts in school. | |
Times tables and spelling fun tests | |
Challenge friends and the world with your knowledge! |
Tuesday 24th March 2020
Good morning JD!
Today's literacy lesson is to write a poem based on the Savanna. You can use our poem 'I wish' to help you with the structure of your poem. I have also given some examples below for inspiration. If you would like to share your poem with me type it up on J2write and save it into your files then I will be able to see your amazing poetry that you write today (I've created a step by step guide on how to do this below).
Have a lovely day,
Miss Stephenson
I Wish
I wish I could be as small as a raindrop
To wear a foxglove for a hat.
I wish I could slumber all night
Under a roof tile and chatter
To the sparrows that nest there.
I wish I could be a dragonfly
And hover like a miniature helicopter
On the school pond.
I wish I could hide inside
A daffodil’s trumpet
and keep out the whirring world.
I wish I could wear a snug snail’s shell
To protect me from the teeth
of tempestuous words that bite.
I wish I could be a note
In an eagle’s call that is a symphony
Falling from the clouds.
I wish I could be an oak tree
Dancing daringly against the wind.
I wish I could float down the raging river
That is a snake through the valleys.
I wish I could be the pause
Just before a wicked word is spoken
So that I could stretch the pause for ever.
J2 write guide | [docx 687KB] |
I wish I could stroll through the vast veld.
Under Acacia trees that dance in the wind,
watching antelope gallop as gracefully as a ballerina.
Monday 23rd March 2020
Good morning JD!
Here are some handy links below to some learning websites that I would like you to visit. For a few of them, you will need your logins which you can find in your reading record or home learning pack. For others, you won't need your login at all!
Check out each of these links daily and I will be checking in with Bug club and Mathletics to see all of the amazing reading and maths that you get up to.
Miss Stephenson
Bug Club | |
Check out bug club for books, comprehension, spelling and grammar activities. | |
Mathletics | |
Fantastic maths resources and activities | |
Maths Frame | |
Lots of free math games available. Remember to practice those timetables! site | |
My USO | |
Explore a range of resources for all different subjects. Remember to use your My USO login. | |
Newsround | |
Keep up to date with the latest news around the world. | |
Pobble 365 | |
Daily picture and writing activities. Fantastic site to help you write your stories. | |
Audio Books For Free | |
Enjoy a variety of books during story time. |
Here are some easy P.E ideas at home.
Keeping Fit with Joe Wicks - The Body Coach
Click here for new 30 minute work outs every day. Tune in at 9am!
Themed Yoga
Check out this great themed yoga. You can hear stories about Pokemon, Moana and muhc much more.
Just Dance for Kids
Just dance videos are fun few minute videos that get you up and dancing. Choose songs to perform in your living room!
R.E + P.S.H.E
Here are some ideas for a few R.E and P.S.H.E activities.
Out of the Ark songs
Out of the Ark are releasing seven songs, one for each day, all with challenges and activities related to each song. Every week for the next few weeks they will continue to add songs and resources.
Cafod (Catholic agency for oversees development) have many zid friendly activities and videos to take a look at.